Page 2 - EAGLE Registrations Inc. Booklet
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Implementing a successful management system and
obtaining certification provides businesses with a
multitude of benefits. However, understanding the
process and realizing the rewards takes time,
patience and commitment from the entire organization.
Certification cannot be seen as just a one-time event.
It has to become a part of the everyday business
management process and requires a strong
partnership with an accredited third-party certification
body (also called CB) with independent “oversight”
from an accreditation body (also called AB.) The
certification body provides a business with the extra set
of eyes they need to verify the management system
is working, is robust and effective.
In addition, third-party certification provides written
assurances that audits are performed in conformance
to internationally recognized standards, includes
impartiality and is conducted by an accredited
certification body and auditors that are competent to
perform the audits.
The ultimate goal of certification from an accredited CB
is “one certificate, accepted by everyone,
everywhere!” It will also help create stronger
businesses with improved processes, products and
services, a competitive advantage and access to
prospects that previously may not have been available.
EAGLE hopes you find the rewards of a
management system valuable, and see continuous
improvement as a beneficial and necessitated process
to maintain the highest integrity within your
organization and the industry.
EAGLE Certification Group