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          One of the key issues for CILT, like many other professional membership bodies, is how
          to achieve sustained growth of the membership.

          As the season of growth, Spring is an apt time to develop a                                             PRESIDENT’S WELCOME
          membership growth strategy. In the words of Leo Tolstoy;
          “Spring is the time of plans and projects.”

 Weekend & Full Time Courses Start:  For those who attended my Presidential Address on 22
          February in the impressive surroundings of the NMCI, Cork
          you will be aware that CILT’s growth strategy is “Thought
          Leadership in CILT.”

 Dublin (P/T) - Sat. 6th April   What is a thought leader? According to Joel Kurtzman, the
          founding editor in chief of “Strategy+Business Magazine” and
          who coined the term in 1994, a thought leader “… is
 Galway - Fri. 13th April  recognised by peers, customers and industry experts as
          someone who deeply understands the business they are in,
          the needs of their customers and the broader marketplace in
 Athlone - Sat. 14th April  which they operate. They have distinctively original ideas,
          unique points of view and new insights.”

 Dublin (F/T) - Wed. 23rd May  The strategy for CILT for the next few years is to encourage
          more thought leaders within our very diverse industry to join
          CILT and to share their wisdom and experience. Through this,
          we can build up a bank of experience across all different
 Tutor: Tony Hynes MBS, B.Comm, FCILT, FCIPD  sectors of the industry so that we have at the core of our
          membership relevant individuals who can collaborate to
 28 Years Delivering Transport Management CPC  ensure we retain the highest standards of professionalism
          within the industry, so that we can provide mentoring to
          members and to encourage new talent.

          If we can build a strong membership from the top, this will
          have a waterfall effect. It ensures we can, into the future,
          deliver to all our members a membership benefit by
          providing knowledge and access to all sectors, it provides the
          key to unlocking consistently high-quality standards, it
          means CILT can be the voice of the profession providing that
          independent expertise when called upon to so. It also means
          we can provide those joining our organisation at the start of
          their careers or on the career journey with real opportunities,
          development and mentoring.

          In attracting more thought leaders to CILT, I am conscious we
          need representation in the various sectors of our industry.
          Our strategy has got off to a very strong start with a focus on
          the maritime sector. It was a huge honour and privilege on
          22 February 2018 to present fellowships of CILT to Conor
          Mowlds, Head of NMCI, Brendan Keating, CEO of the Port of
          Cork, Frank Ronan, CEO Port of Waterford and Andrew Sheen,
          Managing Director of Irish Ferries. Over the next few editions
          of Linkline we will publish interviews with these new fellows
          of CILT so we can all learn more about their experience and   Helen Noble
          interesting careers.                              President, CILT Ireland

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