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CILT CEO Address

          Welcome to the Spring 2018 edition of Linkline Magazine, I
          would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members
          and friends of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and
          Transport for all the help and support rendered in the first                                            CEO'S INTRODUCTION
          part of this year. After six months in post it would be remiss
          of me not to acknowledge the genuine welcome and
          assistance that has been rendered to me by CILT staff,
          volunteers and members.

          On the 24 January last, a joint CILT Ireland CILT UK event
          titled “The All Island Supply Chain – Brexit” was held in
          Ballymascanlon house in Dundalk. The purpose of the event
          was to see if Brexit could be demystified by a series of
          experts, we had speakers from both CILT Ireland and CILT UK,
          Irish Small and Medium Enterprises, Glanbia, Enterprise
          Ireland, DIT, Croke Consulting and AEB Software solutions.
          The speakers outlined the possible difficulties that Brexit will
          bring as well as outlining possible solutions. This event was
          supported by over 140 attendees coming from both sides of
          the border and mainland UK. The event was in my opinion an
          unqualified success, this event is our bench mark, we intend
          that all future events will at least match the All Island Supply
          Chain – Brexit.

          The Brexit event was a showcase on how we are to deliver
          our message, we also need to know what we are to deliver.
          The stall of the Chartered Institute was well and truly set out
          in the National Maritime College of Ireland on the 22
          February. The event had two purposes, firstly four new
          Fellowships were awarded to four deserving leaders in the
          Transport and Maritime Sectors. Secondly, our President
          Helen Noble FCILT, delivered her Presidential Address. The
          address outlined the presidents vision for her two-year term,
          in other words Helen led.

          Helens speech was titled, “Thought Leadership in CILT”, the
          speech articulated a keen intention to ensure that CILT is
          clearly identifiable as the membership body for all
          professionals within the transport, logistics and supply chain
          sector and that CILT links the commonalities of each. This
          includes those involved in the areas of travel and planning,
          aviation, bus and coach transport, freight forwarding,
          logistics and supply chain, operations management, ports,
          maritime and waterways, rail and transport planning. This
          level of harmonisation is essential to ensure consistency in
          high professional and educational standards and an industry
          that works in a cohesive and seamless manner. Helen said,
          “We shall work to identify and be recognised as thought
          leaders throughout these sectors.”

          Helens speech was a rallying call, that I will now echo, CILT is
          going to grow exponentially, we work in a diverse sector
          known by many names. For the sake of simplicity I will refer
          to it as the Transport, Logistics and Supply Chain Sector
          Within this sector CILT will be the hub, we need to attract in
          talent to help spread the message that this sector is a
          professional sector, the sector that keeps this countries
          citizens and goods moving. We need more talent, so I will   Mick Curran
          take this opportunity to echo Helen’s rallying call reproduced   CEO
          in the graphic above.

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