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METHODS                                       Table 1: Scoping review included articles and key findings
      Identifying Relevant Studies                     Article  Article                 Key Findings
      This scoping review was conducted by matching  the
      guidelines provided by the Preferred Reporting Items          1) pre-appointment questionnaire
                                                                    2) patient risk assessment and redirection:  Patients presenting risk factors (advanced
      for  Systemic  Review  and  Meta-Analyses  (PRISMA)   Gurgel   Original  age and other comorbidities) have their appointments postponed or are treated in a
      declaration. Google scholar and Cochrane library search   [23]  Article  remote area
                                                                    3) teletriage
      keywords were “COVID 19”, “patient screening”, and            4) at appointment register their body temperature
      “dental school”. Search terms for PubMed/Medline              1) take patient’s temperature and ask the medical history (symptoms of COVID-19),
      employed  were  (“COVID” [All  Fields]  OR “covid             traveling and contact history
      19” [MeSH  Terms] OR “severe acute respiratory    Chang [7]  Original  2) risk assessment: only emergency treatment will be completed in the emergency unit
                                                                    of teaching hospital or public dental clinic
      syndrome coronavirus 2”  [All Fields]  OR “ncov”              3) TOCC history used to screen for high risk group
      [All Fields] OR “coronavirus” [MeSH  Terms] OR                4) triage and screening for patients with fever.
      “coronavirus” [All Fields])  AND  (“schools, dental”          1) patient’s questionnaire to determine if they have had COVID-19 symptoms within
      [MeSH  Terms]  OR “dental  schools”  [All  Fields]   Barabari   Sys-  the past two weeks. Contact tracing
                                                                    2) risk assessment was taken for each patient risk category
      OR “education,  dental”  [MeSH  Terms] OR “dental   [8]  Review  3) telemedicine technology
      education” [All Fields]) AND (“patient screening” [All        4) non-contact temperature measurement
                                                                    5) no routine dentistry, only treat emergency.
      Fields] OR “Infection Control”[Mesh] OR “screening”
                                                                    1) initial screen by Whatsapp
      [All Fields] OR “mass screening” [MeSH  Terms] OR   Amorim   Original  2) remote fever clinic for pediatric patients
      “mass screening” [All Fields] OR “screen” [All Fields]   [12]  Article  3) patient screened for symptoms remotely
      OR “screened” [All Fields] OR “point of care testing”         4) non-contact temperature
      [MeSH Terms] OR “point of care testing” [All Fields])         1) primary screening questionnaire: emergency or elective, risk for COVID-19
                                                                    2) secondary screening: measure body temperature
      to identify relevant articles.  Data based search results   Falahchai   Review   3) questionnaires separating patients into 3 groups: healthy, suspected, confirmed cases.
      were independently verified by the two authors. Search   [11]  Article  separate operating rooms were designed for them
      terms for PubMed/Medline were adopted from the NYU            4) body temperature by a noncontact forehead thermometer or infrared cameras with
                                                                    thermal sensors for in-office patient screening.
      librarian.  The  two authors  reviewed  independently  to     1) patient screening flowchart
      remove duplicate articles.                                    2) telescreening
                                                       Abram-  Review   3) triage questionnaire: evaluate visible signs of respiratory symptoms
                                                                    4) risk assessment: patient with negative triage can perform emergency dentistry if
      Study Selection                                  ovtiz [9]  Article  body temperature is below 37.5C. positive triage patients not allowed to enter dental
      Articles  were  eligible  for  initial  inclusion  if  they   facility
      described the COVID-19  screening  process or                 5) treat these patients in hospital setting if emergency in negative pressure rooms.
      mentioned  the keyword “screen” in the abstract. Only         1) body temperature
                                                                    2) respiratory symptoms
      articles  published  in  English  were  included. The  titles   Peng [3]  Review   3) travel history
      and abstracts were independently reviewed by the two    Article  4) close contact with COVID-19 patient
                                                                    5) large gatherings. Options were given to people who answered yes to any of the
      authors (RY, LY). If the articles met the first inclusion     above questions.
      criteria, full texts were independently reviewed by the       1) telescreening
      two authors (RY, LY). In the secondary review, articles       2) risk assignment: defer suspected patients for at least 2 weeks if positive response to
      were  then  excluded  that  failed  to  mention  a  dental   Ather [24]  Review   screening questions
                                                                    3) teletriage
      education center or school. Articles were also excluded       4) upon arrival: medical history form, covid screening questionnaire, assessment of true
      if they did not specifically mention strategies or tools for   emergency questionnaire. measure body temperature
      screening COVID-19 patients. The NYU librarian (RM)           1) targeted screening questions for COVID-19 Emergency dental treatment protocol
      search results went through the same study selection   Ge [21]  Review   2) assignment protocols to COVID-19 confirmed patients
                                                                    3) personal, travel, and epidemiological history recorded
      process after eliminating redundancy. In addition, CDC        4) temperature and lower respiratory tract symptoms closely monitored
      and ADA guidelines regarding COVID-19 screening and           1) questions about the health status and history of contact or travel, temperature mea-
      guidelines regarding other infectious diseases in dental   Meng [6]  Com-  surement once patients enter hospital
      settings were included for comparison.                  ment  2) patients with fever should be registered and referred to designated hospitals
                                                                    3) diagnosis tests needed: CT image and COVID-19 RT-PCR tests.
                                                                    1) remote treatment via chat, video conversation, and teledentistry. limited to delivering
      Charting Data                                    Mattos   Review   emergency treatment only
      After  study selection,  basic  authorship  information   [25]  Article  2) separate building floors for the provision of screening emergency dental care
                                                                    3) in hospital patient triage
      and  key  findings  relating  to  COVID-19  screening
      RESULTS                                                       1) dental students are required to do PCR tests, not patients. All patients need to be
                                                      Maltezou   Review   screened by a telephone interview using a standardized questionnaire before arriving at

      Figure 1: Scoping review process                  [26]  Article  the dental school
                                                                    2) triage upon entering
      N =  19, citations from Medline,  Cochrane  Library, Google
      Scholar, PubMed                                 TB Guide   Review   1) annual risk assessment
                                                        [22]  Article  2) questionnaire
                            N = 4, excluded articles without the key word “screen” in article   1) non-contact Temperature
                            abstract                                2) patient questionnaire
                                                       Guide   Official   3) post-visit follow up
                                                                    4) telehealth/COVID-19 screening
      N = 15, potentially relevant articles             [10]        5) risk assessment
                                                                    6) chairside screening
                            N = 3, excluded articles that are non-dental education centers, failure
                            to mention screening tools              1) teledentistry/teletriage
                                                        CDC   Official   2) non-contact temperature
      N = 12, articles included                       Guide [4]  Guide  3) questionnaire during visit
                            N =  4, included guidelines  from  WHO,  CDC, ADC,  previous   4) post-op follow up or patient inform any change 48hr later
                            experience of screening infectious disease outbreak   5) targeted patient COVID-19 without symptom as 3rd party blind check
      N = 16, articles included                        WHO          1) questionnaire
                                                       Guide   Official   2) risk assessment

     RESULTS                                            [27]  Guide  3) teletriage
                                                                    4) chairside questionnaire
     Figure 1: Scoping review process                                        l Fall 2021 l GP 29
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