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References Oral Health Rep. 2018, 5, 221–228.
1. Cocâr¸t ˘a, D.M.; Prodana, M.; [CrossRef] [PubMed]. Ramin Rezaei is an Aerodynamic Engineer
Demetrescu, I.; Lungu, P.E.M.; Di- 7. 104. Ramich, T.; Eickholz, P.; specializing in Computational Fluid Dynam-
dilescu, A.C. Indoor Air Pollution Wicker, S. Work-related infections ics (CFD) applied to HVAC air moving sys- MEET BRIO
with Fine Particles and Implications in dentistry: Risk perception and pre- tems. Ramin has extensive experience with
for Workers’ Health in Dental Offices: ventive measures. Clin. Oral Investig. the design, manufacture and performance
A Brief Review. Sustainability 2021, 2017, 21, 2473–2479. [CrossRef]. assessment for a wide variety of HVAC air
13, 599. 8. Holloman, J.L.; Mauriello, S.M.; flow systems, air filters and air purification
13020599. Pimenta, L.; Arnold, R.R. Compar- systems. HIGH-PERFORMANCE,
2. Anjum, A.; Hosein, M.; Butt, S.A.; ison of suction device with saliva
Fakhuruddin. Cross Infection in Den- ejector for aerosol and spatter reduc-
tistry and the Dental Aerosols—A tion during ultrasonic scaling. J. Am. Dr. Igor Krichtafovich has over 25 years of LOW-MAINTENANCE
Potential Health Hazard. Pak. J. Med. Dent. Assoc. 2015, 146, 27–33. experience researching air filtration systems,
Dent. 2020, 9, 70–75. 9. Fazli T, Zeng Y, Stephens B. Fine air moving systems, and designing new parti-
3. Azari, M.; Ghadjari, A.; Massou- and ultrafine particle removal effi- cle removal technologies. Igor has PhD and AIR PURIFICATION
dinejad, M.; Nasiree, N.F. Airborne ciency of new residential HVAC fil- Doctor of Science degrees, numerous award-
Microbial Contamination of Dental ters. Indoor Air. 2019;00:1–14. ed patents, and is widely published.
Units. Tanaffos 2008, 7, 4–57. 10. Parham Azimi, Dan Zhao, Brent FOR YOUR PRACTICE
4. Gandolfi, M.G.; Zamparini, F.; Stephens, Estimates of HVAC filtra-
Spinelli, A.; Sambri, V.; Prati, C. tion efficiency for fine and ultrafine Norm is at the forefront of the HVAC industry
Risks of Aerosol Contamination in particles of outdoor origin, Atmo- and has been so for over 30 years. A licensed
Dental Procedures during the Second spheric Environment, Volume 98, professional engineer, Norm’s experience be-
Wave of COVID-19—Experience 2014.
and Proposals of Innovative IPC in 11. Brio Air Purifier. (n.d.). Smarter gan in the Air Force as a design engineer on
Dental Practice. Int. J. Environ. Res. Technology. Brio Air Purifier. Re- key HVAC projects and in the management of
Public Health 2020, 17, 8954. [Cross- trieved July 27, 2023, from https:// an early green energy program. He is widely
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5. Ge, Z.Y.; Yang, L.M.; Xia, J.J.; Fu, er-technology#comparison-test. a leading commercial HVAC supplier, and and ultrafine particles produced in dental practices. By
X.H.; Zhang, Y.Z. Possible aerosol has been instrumental in company growth for 27 years. With the clean airflow high and
transmission of COVID-19 and spe- deep industry experience and an entrepreneurial focus, Norm adding Brio® in-room air purifiers, you can quickly eliminate
cial precautions in dentistry. J. Zheji- brings leadership and skill in evaluating new technologies the filter costs low. harmful particles, including viruses and other pathogens, to
ang Univ. 2020, 21, 361–368. [Cross- and solutions. His unique vantage point gives him the oppor- improve your workplace air quality.
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6. Volgenant, C.; De Soet, J.
Cross-transmission in the dental of- and to help people breathe easier as a result. Clear Air Innovative technology
fice: Does this make you ill? Curr.
Brio’s patented electrostatic technology, developed at the
University of Washington, rapidly traps health-damaging
ultrafine particles as small as 0.01 microns and it does so
Refresh without filter clogging. Brio does what HEPA can’t.
Plus Filter
Powerful performance
Brio’s clean air delivery and performance stay high—so
Collection your air stays clean—over the entire period between filter
replacements. Brio’s clean air delivery rate for ultrafine
particles is 50% higher than that of comparable HEPA air
Low cost-to-own
Brio’s long-life filter can last a year or longer before it
needs replacement. So, Brio saves you time and money
while deep cleaning the air you breathe. Brio is a great
investment and the filter savings over years of use make it
Dirty Air a good value, too.
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