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tional  deficits  may  be  even  greater  in  pa-  cines as an MMR vaccine. Once infected,   arthritis: Utility to evaluate and predict response
        tients with alcohol-related liver disease.  In  the  disease  is  generally  self-limiting  and   to treatment. Modern Rheumatology, 28(2), 300–
        the acute stage of AHC, there is acinar hy-  benign and treated with palliative care treat-  307.
        pertrophy, but when the disease progresses  ing  the  symptoms  as  needed.  Most  MMR   1080/14397595.2017.1349234.
                                                                                   8. Qin B, Wang J, Yang Z, et al. Epidemiology
        and becomes chronic, the deficient hepatic  vaccines are given to children at the ages of   of  primary  Sjogren’s  syndrome:  a  systemat-
        function causes a disturbance in fat metab-  one year to 15 months, with a second dose   ic  review  and  meta-analysis.  Ann  Rheum  Dis
        olism. As a consequence, the fat infiltration  often given at any age after the first vaccine   2015;74(11):1983-9.
        is the main cause of parotid enlargement.    through  13  years.  Complications  with  the   9. Mossel, E., van Ginkel, M. S., Haacke, E. A.,
                                              vaccine are rare and generally consist of fe-  Arends, S., Liefers, S. C., Delli, K., van Nimwe-
        Alcoholism can be diagnosed by a medical  ver and rash or reaction at the vaccine site.   gen, J. F., Stel, A. J., Spijkervet, F. K. L., Vissink,
                                                                                   A., van der Vegt, B., Kroese, F. G. M., & Bootsma,
        doctor. Behavioral treatments, such as coun-  Recovery  takes  about  two  weeks.  Mumps   H.  (2022).  Histopathology,  salivary  flow  and  ul-
        seling  or  therapy,  medications  and  group  outbreaks are not uncommon and the most   trasonography of the parotid gland: three comple-
        meetings are treatment options for alcohol-  recent outbreak in the United States was in   mentary measurements in primary Sjögren’s syn-
        ism. Xerostomia can be treated with xylitol  2006 with approximately 5800 cases, pre-  drome.  Rheumatology (Oxford, England),  61(6),
        products, artificial saliva gels and topicals,  dominantly among college age students.  2472–2482.  https://doi-org.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.
        sipping water or chewing sugarless gum to                                  edu/10.1093/rheumatology/keab781.
                                                                                   10.  Adhikari  R,  Soni  A.  Submandibular  Sialad-
        stimulate salivary flow.              Conclusion                           enitis  and  Sialadenosis.  [Updated  2022  Aug  8].
                                              Although there are other infectious diseases   In:  StatPearls  [Internet].  Treasure  Island  (FL):
        Mumps                                 which can affect the parotid gland these four   StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from:
        Mumps  is  a  common  childhood  infection  conditions are typically associated with pa-
        caused by the mumps virus. It is most often  rotid gland swellings. It is imperative to de-  11. Guggenheimer, J., Close, J. M., & Eghtesad,
        seen in children, however, since the advent  termine which of the causes is most likely the   B. (2009). Sialadenosis in patients with advanced
                                                                                   liver disease. Head and neck pathology, 3(2), 100–
        of the MMR vaccine (virus) it is seen with  instigating  factor  with  a  patient  presenting   105.
        less frequency in vaccinated children in de-  with parotid gland swelling and to consider   12.  Bohl,  L.,  Merlo,  C.,  Carda,  C.,  Gómez  de
        veloped countries. The incidence of mumps  factors  such  as  age,  degree  of  onset  (rapid   Ferraris, M. E., & Carranza, M. (2008). Morpho-
        has shown a dramatic decrease since the in-  or slow), if the patient should be worked up   metric analysis of the parotid gland affected by

        troduction of the mumps vaccine in 1967.   for a systemic disease like HIV or Sjögren’s   alcoholic sialosis. Journal of Oral Pathology &
                                                                                   Medicine :  Official  Publication  of  the  Interna-
        Prior  to  the  vaccine  50%  of  children  de-  syndrome,  or  they  should  be  referred  to  a   tional Association of Oral Pathologists and the
        veloped mumps. Currently there are about  physician or therapist specializing in treating   American  Academy of Oral  Pathology,  37(8),
        1500  cases  in  the  United  States  annually,  patients with a history of alcohol abuse.  499–503.  https://doi-org.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.
        which is down from about 150,000.                                          edu/10.1111/j.1600-0714.2008.00648.x
                                              References                           13.  Hviid,  A.,  Rubin,  S.,  &  Mühlemann,  K.
        The pathognomonic presentation of mumps   1. Gualtierotti, R., Marzano, A., Spadari, F., &   (2008). Mumps. The Lancet, 371(9616), 932-944.
        is bilateral swellings of the parotid gland;   Cugno, M. (2018). Main Oral Manifestations in
        however  other  glands,  including  the  sub-  Immune-Mediated and Inflammatory Rheumatic   Cristina Masino, RDH,
        mandibular glands, can be affected as well.   Diseases. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8(1),   BS, MBA, is a lecturer
        If  an  older  person  is  exposed  to  the  virus   2.  Chason  HM,  Downs  BW.  Anatomy,  Head   in the Dental Hygiene
        without  the  protection  of  a  vaccine,  the   and  Neck,  Parotid  Gland.  [Updated  2022  Oct   Department at New York
        possibility of deafness and pancreatitis can   24].  In:  StatPearls  [Internet].  Treasure  Island   City  College  of  Technol-
        be  possible  sequelae.  In  younger  patients   (FL):  StatPearls  Publishing;  2023  Jan-.  Avail-  ogy in Brooklyn. She has
        common  complications  include  aseptic   able from:  worked in the dental field
        meningitis and encephalitis along with or-  NBK534225/                                    for 22 years and works as
                                              3.  Middleton,  Hayden  PA-C,  MS;  Strelow,
        chitis  and  oophoritis.  The  mumps  virus   Brittany  DMSc,  PA-C,  MS.  Pleomorphic  ad-  a clinical dental hygienist on Long Island,
                                                                                     NY. She can be reached at: Cristina.Masi-
        (paramyxovirus; RNA virus) is also called   enoma  of  the  parotid  gland.  JAAPA  35(9):p
        benign viral parotitis. Mumps is transmitted   54-56,  September  2022.  |  DOI:  10.1097/01.
        in saliva and respiratory droplets and the in-                 Dr. Gwen Cohen Brown
        cubation period is 15-24 days.   The most   4.  Boyd,  M. A.,  Boffito,  M.,  Castagna, A.,  &   is a Full Professor in
        typical presentation for mumps is a painful   Estrada, V. (2019). Rapid initiation of antiretro-  the  Dental  Hygiene
                                              viral therapy at HIV diagnosis: definition, pro-
        swelling of the parotid glands which is seen   cess, knowledge gaps. HIV Medicine, 20 Suppl   Department, a licensed
        in 60 -70% of patients with mumps and 95%   1,  3–11.  https://doi-org.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.  dentist  in  New  York
        of patients who are symptomatic. Definitive   edu/10.1111/hiv.12708.                     State,  and a  Fellow  in
        diagnosis  is  currently  done  via  RT-PCR   5.  Wu,  B.,  Ngo,  R.,  &  Petersson,  F.  (2014).   the Academy of Oral and
        directly on the clinical specimen targeting   Cystic  lymphoid  hyperplasia  of  the  pa-  Maxillofacial  Pathology.
                                              rotid  gland  as  the  initial  manifestation  of
        the detection of the mumps gene itself. Ap-  HIV  infection.  Singapore  Medical  Journal,     Dr.  Brown  is  the  Dental  Expert  for
        proximately one-third of all cases are sub-  55(1), e12–e16. https://doi-org.citytech.ezproxy.  WebMD  and  faculty  at  the  NY/NJ  AIDS
        clinical,  with  60%  presenting  bilaterally  Education and Training Center. She is a
                                                                                     member of the Dental Standards of Care
        initially though the other side often swells   6.  Sekikawa  Y,  Hongo  I.  HIV-associated  be-  Committee charged with writing current
        after a few days. Some people experience   nign  lymphoepithelial  cysts  of  the  parot-  HIV Clinical Guidelines Program for the
        no symptoms. When symptoms occur, they   id  glands  confirmed  by  HIV-1  p24  antigen   NYSDOH/AIDS Institute with Johns Hop-
                                              immunostaining.  BMJ  Case  Rep.  2017  Sep
        include swollen, painful salivary glands, fe-  28;2017:bcr2017221869.   doi:   10.1136/bcr-  kins. She authored the current Monograph
        ver, headache, fatigue, and appetite loss.  2017-221869.  PMID:  28963391;  PMCID:   and national standard of care on Oral
                                              PMC5652621.                            Lesions in  HIV  Seropositive  Patients  for
        There  is  not  currently  a  specific  antiviral   7.  Takahashi,  H.,  Tsuboi,  H.,  Yokosawa,  M.,   the AIDS Institute. Dr. Brown has lectured
        treatment  for  mumps.  It  is  preventable  by   Asashima,  H.,  Hirota, T.,  Kondo, Y.,  Matsumo-  extensively  on the topic of HIV/AIDS,
        a  vaccine,  consisting  of  a  live  attenuated   to, I., & Sumida, T. (2018). Diffusion-weighted   Common Oral Lesions, Infection Control,
                                              magnetic  resonance  imaging  of  parotid  glands
        mumps virus and is typically given in com-  before and after abatacept therapy in patients with   and Oral Cancer since 1992.
        bination with the measles and rubella vac-  Sjögren’s  syndrome  associated  with  rheumatoid l Fall 2023 l GP 32
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