Page 20 - GP spring 2023
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healing and age (p = 0.78), gender (p = 0.98), As a result of the review of the current habil. 2000 Sep-Oct;21(5):395-402. doi:
diabetic state, and blood glucose levels. 12 research, we can conclude, with the lim- 10.1097/00004630-200021050-00001. PMID:
itations of the available evidence, that 11020045.
Conclusion: well-controlled diabetic patients taking oral 9. Gooyit M, Peng Z, Wolter WR, Pi H, Ding
Overall, the three articles examined the rela- hypoglycemic agents will have similar heal- D, Hesek D, Lee M, Boggess B, Champion
tionship between diabetes and postoperative ing compared to nondiabetic patients. MM, Suckow MA, Mobashery S, Chang M.
A chemical biological strategy to facilitate di-
wound healing following dental extractions. abetic wound healing. ACS Chem Biol. 2014
Two articles exhibited similar findings be- Dentists should know the patient’s current Jan 17;9(1):105-10. doi: 10.1021/cb4005468.
tween type 2 diabetics on oral hypoglyce- control before performing surgical proce- Epub 2013 Sep 26. PMID: 24053680; PMCID:
mics compared to nondiabetic patients. Pre- dures. Poor glycemic control can lead to PMC3947039.
operative HbA1C, random blood glucose various complications, particularly micro- 10. Krishnan B, Prasad GA, Saravanan R, Mad-
levels (BGL), and socket dimensions were circulatory deficiencies, which can signifi- han B, Kadhiravan T. Do preoperative glyco-
examined. Overall, the extraction sockets cantly impact wound healing. sylated hemoglobin (HbA1C) and random blood
healed without persistent complications. glucose levels predict wound healing complica-
Similar findings were evident in previous Our patient had a recent HbA1C of 6%. For tions following exodontia in type 2 diabetes mel-
studies that reported minimal complications this patient, the risk of infectious compli- litus patients?-a prospective observational study.
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without postoperative complications such cations due to diabetes seems minimal and 10.1007/s00784-020-03349-7. Epub 2020 May
as infections, osteomyelitis, or osteonecro- controllable, and all routine dental proce- 29. PMID: 32472252.
sis. Patients in all three studies took either dures are acceptable to perform. Antibiotics 11. Gadicherla S, Smriti K, Roy S, Pentapati
oral hypoglycemics or a combination of oral to prevent infection if the risk is not present KC, Rajan J, Walia A. Comparison of Extraction
hypoglycemics and insulin. From the three are not indicated. Socket Healing in Non-Diabetic, Prediabetic,
respective studies, their Random Blood and Type 2 Diabetic Patients. Clin Cosmet Inves-
Glucose (RBG) (mean ± SD) (range) 191.5 References tig Dent. 2020 Jul 20;12:291-296. doi: 10.2147/
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(mean ± SD) (range): 7.51 (4.1–17.4). There that Correlate with Poor Glycemic Control in 12. Huang S, Dang H, Huynh W, Sambrook PJ,
were no statistical differences between de- Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients with Com- Goss AN. The healing of dental extraction sock-
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layed healing and age, gender, controlled plications. Osong Public Health Res Perspect. poglycaemics: a prospective cohort. Aust Dent J.
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and duration of DM. PMC6110332. Epub 2013 Jan 28. PMID: 23441797.
2. Pratley RE. The early treatment of type
Discussion: 2 diabetes. The American Journal of Medi-
All studies were prospective observational cine. Nirali Thakor is an NYU
studies with a total of 822 patients. Two ar- 9343%2813%2900485-3/fulltext. Published College of Dentistry stu-
ticles corroborated each other in suggesting September 1, 2013. Accessed September 15, dent in the class of 2024.
that controlled type 2 DM does not pose de- 2022.
lays in wound healing or increase the risk of 3. Ko KI, Sculean A, Graves DT. Diabet-
developing infectious complications. The di- ic wound healing in soft and hard oral tissues.
Transl Res. 2021 Oct;236:72-86. doi: 10.1016/j.
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the usage of medications or insulin in all three 33992825; PMCID: PMC8554709.
articles. The Gadicherla and associates study 4. Jiang S, Young JL, Wang K, Qian Y, Cai L. Boss Lin is an NYU Col-
examined socket dimensions in 7 days to min- Diabetic-induced alterations in hepatic glucose lege of Dentistry student
imize the loss of patients; however, this was and lipid metabolism: The role of type 1 and in the class of 2023.
not a long enough period to assess the overall type 2 diabetes mellitus (Review). Mol Med
healing in controlled diabetic individuals. Rep. 2020 Aug;22(2):603-611. doi: 10.3892/
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32468027; PMCID: PMC7339764.
Overall, the extraction sockets healed with- 5. Diabetes tests. Centers for Disease Control
out persistent complications. Huang et al. and Prevention. Angela De Bartolo, DDS
included 500 patients, whereas Gadicher- basics/getting-tested.html. Published August 10, is a Clinical Associate
la et al. presented data from 100 patients. 2021. Accessed November 26, 2022. Professor at NYU Col-
Krishnan et al. considered 133 patients who 6. Goyal R, Jialal I. Diabetes mellitus type 2 - lege of Dentistry in the
were diabetic and non-diabetic. The qual- statpearls - NCBI bookshelf. https://www.ncbi. Department of Cariolo-
ity of research was low to moderate, with Accessed De- gy and Comprehensive
a moderate risk of bias. The Krishnan and cember 12, 2022. Care and she is a Group
Huang articles accounted for confounding 7. Yang S, Li Y, Liu C, Wu Y, Wan Z, Shen D. Practice Director.
factors (smoking) that may have impacted Pathogenesis and treatment of wound healing
in patients with diabetes after tooth extraction.
the healing prognosis. The Huang article Frontiers. Analia Veitz-Keenan, DDS
was representative of the general population 10.3389/fendo.2022.949535/full#:~:tex-
and contained important exclusion criteria. t=Tooth%20extraction%20healing%20is%20 is a Clinical Professor
The Gadicherla article accounted for the slower,study%20by%20Goss%20et%20al. Pub- at NYU College of Den-
confounding factors that may have impact- lished August 31, 2022. Accessed December 11, tistry Department Oral
ed wound healing, including patients taking 2022. Maxillofacial Patholo-
bisphosphonates with benign or malignant 8. Neely AN, Clendening CE, Gardner J, Green- gy, Radiology and Med-
pathologies of the jaw. However, the short halgh DG. Gelatinase activities in wounds icine and Epidemiology
recall period may have affected the final of healing-impaired mice versus wounds of and Health Promotion and the NYSAGD
outcome. non-healing-impaired mice. J Burn Care Re- President-Elect. l Spring 2023 l GP 20