Page 27 - GP spring 2023
P. 27
Test your knowledge with some questions.
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The first five questions of this quiz are based on the article “Update on the Management of Pregnant Patient in the Dental Office” on pages 13-15.
AGD members can receive (1) credit in subject code 750 by submitting their answers by May 15, 2023.
The last five questions of this quiz are based on the article “Dental Management of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease” on pages 16-18.
AGD members can receive (1) credit in subject code 750 by submitting their answers by May 15, 2023.
A passing score of 80% is required on each quiz in order to receive the credit.
Question 1 Question 6
Why might supine hypotensive syndrome happen during pregnancy? All of the following are common systemic complications associat-
ed with chronic kidney disease except one; which is the exception?
A. Due to vena cava compression
B. Due to carotid artery compression A. Anemia
C. Due to gastric vein compression B. Osteodystrophy
D. Due to ascending aorta compression C. Hyperparathyroidism
Question 2 D. Hypothyroidism
What should be done to prevent or manage a supine hypotensive Question 7
syndrome during pregnancy? What common hematological problem in patients with advanced
chronic kidney disease increases the risk of bleeding?
A. Move onto the left lateral position
B. Move onto the right lateral position A. Anemia
C. Extend the lower extremities for 10 minutes B. Platelet dysfunction
D. Flex the knees for 10 minutes C. Thrombocytopenia
Question 3 D. Neutropenia
Pyogenic granulomas are more commonly observed in which Question 8
pregnancy trimester? What is a common manifestation of a bleeding disorder?
A. First A. Pale mucosa
B. Second B. Easy bruising
C. Third C. Common infections
D. Any trimester D. Poor healing
Question 4 Question 9
All of the following are associated with increased caries risk in Which hormone will be elevated in patients with advanced chronic
pregnant patients except one; which is the exception? kidney disease with is responsible for renal osteodystrophy?
A. Low salivary pH A. Parathyroid-PTH
B. Greater intake of sugary snacks B. Thyroid
C. Greater intake of sugary drinks C. Cortisol
D. High salivary pH D. Aldosterone
Question 5 Question 10
Statement 1. The ADA does not recommend the use of radiographs Statement 1: Dental treatment should be provided off dialysis days
for diagnosis during pregnancy on patients who require regular hemodialysis
Statement 2. All patients should be adequately shielded when den- Statement 2. The American Heart Association recommends antibi-
tal radiographs are taken, regardless of pregnancy status. otic prophylaxis prior to any dental treatment.
A. The first statement is incorrect, and the second is correct A. The first statement is correct; the second is incorrect
B. The first statement is correct, and the second statement is incorrect B. The first statement is incorrect; the second is correct
C. Both statements are correct C. Both statements are correct
D. Both statements are incorrect D. Both statements are incorrect
Reference: The New York State constituent of the Academy of General Dentistry is an ap-
Kim DR, Wang E. Prevention of supine hypotensive syndrome in pregnant proved PACE provider. The sponsor’s formal CDE programs are acceptable
women treated with transcranial magnetic stimulation. Psychiatry Res. 2014 by the AGD for Fellowship, Mastership, and maintenance
Aug 15;218(1-2):247-8. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2014.04.001. Epub 2014 credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state of
Apr 12. PMID: 24768354; PMCID: PMC4057965 provincial board of dentistry. The current term of approval
extends from 1/01/23 to 12/31/24. AGD Code#219318 l Spring 2023 l GP 27