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AGD2022                              ORLANDO, FL
                                          THE PREMIER MEETING FOR              JULY 27 - 30
                                          GENERAL DENTISTRY                    AGD2022.ORG

           General Information

           Location and Housing

           AGD2022 takes place July 27-30, 2022 at the
           Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando, FL.

           Rosen Shingle Creek*
           9939 Universal Boulevard
           Orlando, FL 32819
           *Host Hotel
           Registration Includes

           •  Keynote Speaker Session – Thursday, July 28
           •  20-minute Dental Pearl Lectures
           •  President’s Welcome Reception – Thursday July 28
           •  Access to the Exhibit Hall – Thursday, July 28 –
              Saturday, July 30
                  o  Over 100 Exhibitors
                  o  Scientific e-Poster Presentations
                  o  Complimentary Oral Cancer Screenings

           Education Highlights

           From advanced hands-on education to clinical and    Dental Pearls and Emerging Speakers
           practice management lectures in an innovative one-  Dental Pearls are 10-15 minute case study presenta-
           hour lecture format, AGD’s annual scientific session   tions from our Fellows and Masters, followed by 3-5
           has earned a reputation for having some of the finest   minutes of Q&A after each presentation. Emerging
           dental continuing education in the world. Here are   Speakers are 50-minute lectures on clinical topics in
           just some of the highlights you’ll find at AGD2022:  any discipline presented in a symposium-style format
                                                               by AGD members who are new to presenting.
           One-Hour Lectures
           One-hour lectures separate longer topics into three   CE Bundle Packages
           courses, allowing you to customize your education   The courses listed within the packages are conve-
           schedule.                                           niently spaced out so they don’t overlap, and provide
                                                               the perfect way to help you schedule your week.
           Wine Down Sessions
           Relax at the end of a long day of learning with a glass   Blended Learning Session
           of wine as speakers expand upon their sessions in a   Maximize your hands-on learning time at AGD2022
           small, informal group setting.                      by taking the lecture portion of select courses as a
                                                               live or on-demand webinar prior to the meeting
           New Dentist Lounge
           Available to students, residents and 2021 graduates,
           the New Dentist Lounge includes free courses on
           new dental procedures, practice management, and

        LEARN MORE                                                                                   Academy of General Dentistry
                                                                                                     Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider
                                                                                                     for FAGD/MAGD credit.                                                                                  Approval does not imply acceptance by any
                                                                                                     regulatory authority or AGD endorsement. l Spring 2022 l GP 2                                                          6/1/2018 to 5/31/2024
                                                                                                     Provider ID# 216217
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