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AGD2022 ORLANDO, FL Editorial We didn’t see her again until this past
THE PREMIER MEETING FOR JULY 27 - 30 GP SPRING 2019 fall. Her sense of taste had returned and
By Janice Pliszczak, DDS, MS, MBA, MAGD
GENERAL DENTISTRY AGD2022.ORG Changing she told us that she had Covid early in
the pandemic, which was diagnosed via
antibodies some time later. At the time of
The Journal of the
General Information New York State Academy Covid has changed her initial appointments, we knew nothing
about this new virus. Talking with her in
our perspectives on
of General Dentistry
many things in our 2021, she told us that she was in Japan
in the fall of 2019. Even if we asked her
Location and Housing New York State Academy of General Dentistry lives, our practices, about her travels (and there would not have
19-02 Whitestone Expressway, Suite 204
AGD2022 takes place July 27-30, 2022 at the Whitestone, NY 11357 and our organizations. been a reason to), we still wouldn’t have
diagnosed her correctly.
Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando, FL. Telephone: 718-747-3353 Three years ago,
Fax: 718-747-3355
To Contact the NYSAGD, visit our website who would have ever thought that we Nowadays, a patient with a loss of
Rosen Shingle Creek* at would experience a pandemic in our taste would not even pass the screening
9939 Universal Boulevard Janice Pliszczak, DDS, MS, MBA, MAGD lifetime? That we would be wearing masks questions to enter the office. Now we know
more about the disease and how things
everywhere, not just while working on
Orlando, FL 32819 Editor patients? And that dentistry would not be have changed.
*Host Hotel Analia-Veitz-Keenan, DDS considered essential? Liquor stores were
Co-Editor deemed essential, but not us. Through Our organizations, including our beloved
Registration Includes Executive Director it all, we knew that we were, and still NYSAGD, have had to adapt to this ever-
Paula Bostick
changing Covid reality. We’ve held our
• Keynote Speaker Session – Thursday, July 28 are, essential, and that we are the best in last two Installations of Officers virtually
infection control.
• 20-minute Dental Pearl Lectures 2022 Executive Council and have only had one in-person Board of
• President’s Welcome Reception – Thursday July 28 President – Shahram (Sean) Shekib, DDS, JD, Looking back, I had an interesting patient Trustees meeting in the last two years. All
• Access to the Exhibit Hall – Thursday, July 28 – FAGD, FICD, FAADS, FPFA, FACD case in the fall of 2019 that I definitely of our lecture courses have transitioned
2178 63 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11204
Saturday, July 30 would have treated differently knowing over to webinars since the beginning
o Over 100 Exhibitors President-Elect – Analia Veitz-Keenan, DDS what we do know now. I had a female patient of the pandemic. Our Dental Education
NYU College of Dentistry, 345 East 24 Street
o Scientific e-Poster Presentations New York, NY 10010 in her 60’s, relatively new to the practice, Committee and Executive Director quickly
changed the way we offer courses and
who complained that everything she ate
o Complimentary Oral Cancer Screenings tasted like sawdust. We took radiographs continue to do a wonderful job in providing
Vice-President – Seonha Park, DDS, FAGD
63 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005 and did a thorough examination, yet these high-quality courses. Please check
Education Highlights could not find the source of her trouble. I out the back cover as well as our website
From advanced hands-on education to clinical and Dental Pearls and Emerging Speakers Treasurer – Joseph DiDonato, III, DDS, MBA, FAGD referred her to her physician, who couldn’t to see the list of our upcoming courses.
680 South Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620
practice management lectures in an innovative one- Dental Pearls are 10-15 minute case study presenta- Secretary – Berry Stahl, DMD find anything and sent her back to me. We do still have a number of hands-on
participation courses that the AGD is
hour lecture format, AGD’s annual scientific session tions from our Fellows and Masters, followed by 3-5 4422 Third Avenue, Bronx, NY 10457 We looked again, took more radiographs known for including multiple Mastertrack
and asked even more questions, and still
has earned a reputation for having some of the finest minutes of Q&A after each presentation. Emerging nothing conclusive. I referred her to an courses. We hope to see you at a course
dental continuing education in the world. Here are Speakers are 50-minute lectures on clinical topics in Editor – Janice Pliszczak, DDS, MS, MBA, MAGD ENT and then Covid shut the world down. soon, either virtually or in-person.
4827 Broad Road, Syracuse, NY 13215
just some of the highlights you’ll find at AGD2022: any discipline presented in a symposium-style format
by AGD members who are new to presenting. National Trustee – Ira Levine, DDS, MAGD
111 North Central Park Avenue, Suite 208,
One-Hour Lectures Hartsdale, NY 10538 ` In Memoriam `
One-hour lectures separate longer topics into three CE Bundle Packages Regional Director – Seung-Hee Rhee, DDS, MAGD
courses, allowing you to customize your education The courses listed within the packages are conve- 110 East 40 Street, New York, NY 10016 The New York State Academy of General Dentistry recently
schedule. niently spaced out so they don’t overlap, and provide Immediate Past-President – Teresa Skalyo, DDS, FAGD lost a friend and advocate. Dr. Muhammed Kasem has died after
the perfect way to help you schedule your week. 404 W. William Street, Geneva, NY 14456 a long tenure of service. As a Trustee to the NYSAGD and as
Wine Down Sessions President, Dr. Kasem provided years of leadership. He was a
gentle and soft-spoken advocate for general dentistry and the
Relax at the end of a long day of learning with a glass Blended Learning Session GP – Journal of the New York State Academy of value of continuing education. In the many years that I have
General Dentistry is published twice a year by
of wine as speakers expand upon their sessions in a Maximize your hands-on learning time at AGD2022 the New York State Academy of General Dentistry. known Muhammed, he served as a delegate to the national
small, informal group setting. by taking the lecture portion of select courses as a The issues are mailed out in March and September conventions, worked on numerous committees, and continued to
to all the members of the New York State Academy
live or on-demand webinar prior to the meeting of General Dentistry and are available on-line provide excellent care to his private patients.
New Dentist Lounge at All correspondence should As President, he was instrumental in making the decision to relocate the organization’s
be addressed to the Editor at 19-02 Whitestone
Available to students, residents and 2021 graduates, Expressway, Suite 204, Whitestone, NY 11357. headquarters and to provide the new teaching facility we use today. He presided over
the New Dentist Lounge includes free courses on The views, opinions and recommendations numerous difficulties with candor and wisdom and is a model of executive function
expressed in this publication are those of the
new dental procedures, practice management, and respective authors and are not necessarily for those that follow.
leadership. endorsed by the Academy of General Dentistry. We mourn his passing but celebrate his life, his tenure with us, and his friendship
Placement of an advertisement in GP – Journal
of the New York State Academy of General during all those many years of meetings and work. His passing is noted for the grace
Dentistry does not indicate an endorsement and dignity by which he added to all our gatherings, he is missed.
of its products or services by the Academy of
LEARN MORE Academy of General Dentistry General Dentistry. Joseph DiDonato, III, DDS, MBA, FAGD
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider
ISSN 2770-2391
for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any l Spring 2022 l GP 3
regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
6/1/2018 to 5/31/2024
Provider ID# 216217