Page 8 - GP Spring 2022
P. 8

We should emphasize that oral hygiene is  which subsided after the procedure. There  5. Other Considerations and Challenges
        essential  to prevent  bacterial  endocarditis  was no impact on the risk of arrhythmia and
        as poor oral hygiene can act as a source of  a negligible effect on mean blood pressure.  Several challenges were encountered while
        transient bacteremia that could be associat-  In this patient’s case, her LVAD coordina-  treating  this  patient.  Transportation  diffi-
        ed with the development of bacterial endo-  tor stated that the main concern would be a  culties,  as the patient  utilized  Access-A-
        carditis. For this patient, we recommend  decrease in blood pressure. Thus, the use of  Ride  and needed to book transportation
        the use of antibiotic prophylaxis prior to all  local anesthetic with epinephrine was ac-  several days in advance, thereby decreas-
        invasive procedures.                 ceptable with consideration taken to utilize  ing flexibility in scheduling appointments.
                                             the lowest effective concentration, constant  Several  appointments  were  also  canceled
        2. Medication Interactions and Side Effects  monitoring during the procedure, and tak-  due to medical  complications  the patient
                                             ing precautions to avoid IV injection (i.e.,  was facing, such as medication changes
        Digoxin: Digoxin is being prescribed less   aspiration prior to injection).  and their side effects (e.g., patient canceled
        frequently as the paradigms for managing                                  an  appointment  due  to  ongoing  inconti-
        heart  failure  and  atrial  fibrillation  have  Avoidance of abrupt postural changes to  nence resulting from an adjustment of her
        shifted to other drug classes. For patients  prevent  orthostatic  hypotension is always  antihypertensive medications). This result-
        medicated with digoxin, it is always wise  warranted. For the restorative  phase of  ed in a slow delivery of treatment, which
        to  record  baseline  pulse  rate  and  rhythm  treatment,  1.5 carpules of lidocaine 2%  became a challenge in terms of patient mo-
        before commencing dental treatment. It is  with epinephrine  1:100,000 via maxillary  tivation  and willingness to continue with
        wise to  use caution  when administering  infiltration  was  used.  No  complications  treatment.  The  doctor-patient  relationship
        epinephrine as the most serious side effect  were encountered  and the treatment  was  was strengthened by the excellent  rap-
        of the medication is related to cardiac ar-  well-tolerated.              port between the patient and the provider,
        rhythmia causing excitation. 12                                           which positively  enhanced  the  patient’s
                                             3. Risk of Prolonged Bleeding: Aspirin  compliance  with treatment  - the impor-
        Digoxin toxicity: Digoxin has a low ther-  and Warfarin Management        tance of this relationship for successful out-
        apeutic index as many as 25% of patients                                  comes for these complex patients cannot be
        experience  some degree of toxicity. The  Evidence shows that the concomitant use  understated, and providers must be willing
        most common side effects are gastrointes-  of aspirin and warfarin increases the risk of  to invest the time necessary so that these
        tinal-related and hypersalivation. 12  bleeding,  major  bleeding  events,  ER  vis-  patients do not simply give up.
                                             its,  and  hospitalization.  The  combination
        Beta-Blockers.  Metoprolol.  While  treat-  of warfarin and aspirin compared to war-  Discussion
        ing patients  medicated  with nonselective  farin monotherapy showed higher rates of  The  medical  management  of  this  patient
        beta-blockers,  it is wise to record blood  adverse outcomes.  However, aspirin and  was relatively straightforward: the patient
        pressure and heart rate before administer-  warfarin should not be discontinued due  was aware of the need for antibiotic pro-
        ing local anesthetic-vasopressor formula-  to the increased risk of stroke if they are  phylaxis and was compliant.  As expect-
        tions.                               stopped. The benefits of using aspirin and  ed, the use of epinephrine did not present
                                             warfarin outweigh the risk of prolonged  a problem during treatment  and despite
        Diuretics. It is known that diuretic medica-  bleeding, but it is imperative that good lo-  hesitancy to treat for some clinicians, no
        tions significantly reduce and alter salivary   cal hemostatic measures are implemented  medical  complications,  no medication  in-
        composition which may have an impact on   when performing any invasive procedures  teractions, and no increased bleeding were
        the incidence of dental caries, periodontal   to minimize the bleeding risk.  encountered  during the restorative  treat-
        disease, and mucosal lesion formation.  It                                ment phase.
        is imperative to manage xerostomia caused  It is critical to ask for recent INR results,
        by diuretic medications for high-risk car-  generally  within 24-48 hours, to ensure  Conclusions
        ies patients.  Therapeutic  approaches  such  that the patient is within a reasonable range  As poorly controlled comorbidities will ag-
        as saliva substitutes, topical agents, and  prior to an invasive dental procedure. Sur-  gravate heart failure (HF), it is important to
        systemic  sialogogues are recommended  gery is generally acceptable  for patients  ensure that other systemic diseases in med-
        to alleviate xerostomia caused by diuretic  on warfarin with an INR below 3.  It is  ically compromised patients are well-con-
        medications.  Frequent hydration will also  important to assess  potential  interactions  trolled. This case report demonstrates the
        alleviate the condition of xerostomia.    when prescribing an antibiotic in patients  importance of managing other comorbidi-
                                             on warfarin.                         ties in patients with end-stage heart failure
        Chronic Use of Inhalers for Asthma and                                    due to the numerous medical complications
        COPD.  Increased  dental  caries  risk has  4. Selection of Post-operative Analgesia  the patient may already be facing. In ad-
        been attributed to prolonged use of inhaler  and Other Medications        dition, it is critical to find clinicians who
        medications  due  to  reduced  salivary  flow                             are willing  to deal  with cases involving
        and pH. 17                           The  use  of  nonsteroidal  anti-inflammato-  medically  compromised  patients.  Clini-
                                             ry drugs (NSAIDs) for more than 5 days   cian hesitation over this patient’s case was
        The evidence suggests that the use of lo-  may diminish the antihypertensive efficacy   identified throughout the treatment related
        cal anesthetic (LA) with epinephrine is not  of most drug classes used to manage hy-  to her multiple medical complications and
        contraindicated for patients with a compro-  pertension, which includes any of the be-  the potential for adverse clinical outcomes.
        mised  cardiovascular  system.  Comparing  ta-blockers. NSAIDs do not have effects   Some clinicians may be hesitant not only
        the use of LA with epinephrine to LA with-  on INR but may increase the risk of bleed-  about invasive procedures, but also non-in-
        out epinephrine, no statistically significant  ing while on warfarin.     vasive procedures (such as restorations or
        difference was  found.  The use of local                                  dental prophylaxis). In fact, our opinion is
        anesthesia with epinephrine only had a                                    that the greatest challenge for patients that
        transient increase in systolic blood pressure                             are medically compromised is finding cli-
 l Spring 2022 l GP 8
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