Page 10 - GP Spring 2022
P. 10

Bone Augmentation and Implant Restoration in a
                        Compromised Aesthetic Zone: A Case Report

                                By Omid Termechi, DDS and Sleiman N. Razzouk, DDS, MS, PhD

        Abstract                             GBR grafting is one solution for such prob-  Allograft
                                             lems  and can  be broken into  two forms:  Allografts are bone grafts obtained from the
        Purpose:  This  case  report  describes  four  block and particulate  onlay grafting.  The  same species but are genetically dissimilar
        routine treatment modalities for single im-  latter can further be divided into two cat-  from the host. These materials go through
        plant placement in the aesthetic zone. The  egories: tunnel and direct particulate onlay  an intense  preparation  process, including
        protocol can be standardized  to achieve  grafting. In this clinical case, we performed  freeze-drying, to prevent the transmission
        the same result on similar  cases in daily  onlay particulate GBR grafting.   of diseases. Mineralized  allograft  (MA)
        practice.  This  paper  presents  the  staging                            provides stability, space maintenance, and
        of the treatment plan for any patient with  Technique                     osteoconductive  scaffolding  to increase
        deficient hard and soft tissues to achieve a  GBR  procedures can either be staged or  volume enhancement in the GBR site for
        beautiful result.                    simultaneous with implant placement. The  successful implant placement. MA is com-
                                             host area is fully exposed with a full-thick-  posed of cortical and cancellous bone. The
        Keywords:  Guided Bone Regeneration  ness flap to visualize the defect. It is imper-  cortical portion has a slower resorption rate
        (GBR), Guided  Tissue Regeneration  ative to create a tension-free soft tissue flap  than the cancellous component; therefore,
        (GTR),  polytetrafluorethylene  (e-PTFE),  by using releasing incisions on both sides  in a case where the clinician requires the
        aesthetic  zone, implant,  periodontal  de-  of the flap to increase site visibility and en-  material to stay longer without resorption
        fect, bone defect, membrane, onlay graft,  sure a tension-free flap closure.   to act as a scaffold, they can increase the
        allograft, xenograft.                                                     percentage  of the cortical  component in
                                             GBR Considerations                   the bone mixture.  MA can be mixed with
        Materials and methods: Single case study  The essential purpose of the GBR is to ex-  DBB material in order to slow the process
        patient, treated by the same clinician, sur-  clude the epithelial cells, which have a high   of resorption down even further.
        gically  and restoratively, who had large  turnover rate, and to allow the migration
        bone and soft tissue defects in the aesthetic  of the osteoblastic cells to the site.  This  The other important part of the GBR tech-
        zone. These treatment modalities included:  includes using a biological membrane to  nique  is  the  membrane.  The  membrane
        1) Guided bone regeneration (GBR) with  isolate the two compartments: soft tissue  isolates  the  bone  graft  material  from  soft
        e-PTFE  and  platelet-rich  fibrin  (PRF),  2)  and bone particles. The main bone grafting  tissue invasion.  There  are two types of
        Guided  Tissue Regeneration  (GTR), 3)  substitutes include autogenous bone, xeno-  membranes  available:  resorbable  and
        Implant placement and interim provisional  graft, allograft, and alloplast.  The  ideal  non-resorbable.  The membrane  needs to
        restorations after the implant was fully os-  bone material will create a balance between  provide a barrier, be biocompatible and be
        seointegrated, and 4) Final screw-retained  resorption and formation of new osteogenic  easy to use. They also need to have bio-
        restoration.                         cells in the area of the GBR. In addition,  active properties in order to promote and
                                             space is required by the material in order for  enhance  tissue regeneration.  Synthetic
        Introduction:  Implant placement  has be-  healing to occur.  Autogenous bone is the  polymers are used to manufacture non-bio-
        come  the  preferred  treatment  method  for  gold standard due to its osteogenesis, oste-  degradable membrane materials, both with
        the anterior maxillary  area when a tooth  oinduction, and osteoconduction abilities.   and without a metal component. The metal
        is missing due to its high success rate and                               component  may be added  to increase  the
        ability to restore the region without involv-  Xenograft or Deproteinized Bovine Bone   integrity  and to enhance the membrane’s
        ing the neighboring teeth. Osseointegration  (DBB)                        space maintaining ability. The first non-re-
        has become less of an issue with the latest  Xenograft bone materials come from cows,   sorbable membrane  that was introduced
        generations of dental implants. However,  horses, or species other than humans.    to the market was made from expanded
        the aesthetic zone is still a big challenge to  Xenografts are frequently  used in GBR   polytetrafluoroethylene  (e-PTFE).  The
        the practitioner. Success in this region with  procedures today. These materials are os-  second type of membrane is a biodegrad-
        implant therapy is heavily dependent upon  teoconductive  and have an interconnect-  able  membrane,  made  from natural  and
        the positive appearance and correct harmo-  ing pore system that  serves as a scaffold   synthetic polymers. Collagen is one of the
        ny with the remaining dentition. Therefore,  for the migration of the osteogenic cells.   most  commonly  used  materials  in  these
        different parameters need careful consider-  The advantage of the DBB graft is that it   membranes and is made by cross-linking.
        ation, such as the soft tissue condition, vol-  has close molecular similarities to human   New materials such as aliphatic polyesters
        ume, color, contour, and the surrounding  natural cortical bone.  DBB particles are   and other copolymers have recently been
        zeniths. Various conditions cause periodon-  incorporated into the living bone over time   introduced into GBR procedures. In addi-
        tal tissue defects, and the goal is to reestab-  and have a low turnover or substitution   tion, inorganic materials  such as calcium
        lish the original environment with surgical  rate. Therefore, it provides long-term space   phosphate  and bioactive  glass are  being
        procedures such as GBR and GTR.      maintenance which is an essential part of   researched to help the membrane’s regen-
                                             any  successful bone  graft.  It has been   erative abilities  and strength.  The main
        GBR and GTR can be performed simulta-  shown  that DBB graft particles remain   advantage of the resorbable membranes is
        neously with implant placement depending  present even ten years after placement.    to eliminate a second surgical  procedure
        on the amount of bone loss and the volume  One should be aware that it can be detri-  to  remove  the  membrane,  which  would
        of  soft  tissue  present.  This  volume  defi-  mental to the future of the implant if there   reduce the morbidity of the procedure and
        ciency of bone and soft tissue can be either  is excessive DBB contact with the implant   lower the rate of complications. However,
        anatomic or pathologic.              instead of the patient’s own vital bone.
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