Page 18 - 2022 Annual Report 2022 01.18 0528
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A Quick Note on Texas
Power grid issues aside, Texas is excelling in just about every way imaginable when it comes to
population growth. The Lone Star State ranks first in numeric population growth, first in natural
population growth, second in net migration, second in domestic migration, and fourth in
international migration.
- Zach Fritz, Sage Economics, December 26, 2022
inspire our people to promote
and support the FGM
Architects brand;
A new initiative, coming first
quarter 2023, includes the
rollout of a client management
program. We envision this
program to give our people the
tools needed to promote and
carry the FGMA Brand.
provide industry-leading training and leadership development programs to our people;
Implementing great training and leadership development programs are a large reason why we
hired Elizabeth (our CPO), as mentioned previously. We have rolled out the “People Plan” and
are in the process of carrying it out. We will need your help to successfully implement the plan.
And we have continued, and will continue, to augment the plan with specialized outside
growth opportunities. This year has seen multiple leadership retreats, specialized training
throughout the firm, and continuation of our Counselor Salesperson program.
model diversity, equity and inclusion for the architectural industry;
We have kicked off our diversity, equity and inclusion initiative with the recent DEI survey all
our people were asked to participate in. Next steps are currently being developed and a DEI
Committee is in the early stages of formation, beginning with a Committee Charter which is
based, in large part, on the next steps resulting from the survey.
live and breathe design thinking as professionals;
We are also in the process of forming a “Design Thinking Task Force”. This will also be one of
our important initiatives for 2023 – to determine what design thinking really means to us, and
how it will affect our design and delivery processes.
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