Page 85 - 2022 Annual Report 2022 FINAL
P. 85


               Burke, VA Presbyterian new entry rotunda and tower

               We welcomed our new Faith-Based colleagues in Reston who add a greater diversity to our Faith-
               Based practice area.  Projects in the Texas Region geographically are still primarily within a few hours’
               drive of the Austin office with projects from San Antonio to Waco. We are planning to be ready to do
               Faith-based in conjunction with our new Fort Worth office as those opportunities arise. As in past
               years primary sources for new Faith-Based work continue to be referrals, contractor relationships, and
               a strong reputation in central Texas as experts in church-related design; Faith-Based Project in the
               Northern Virginia office are also based on referral relationships and reputation and for now are
               geographically with in a half day drive.   We plan to maintain a reactive stance for Faith-Based project
               pursuits outside of Texas and Northern Virginia region in 2023, but new opportunities for marketing
               strategies are to be explored more intentionally in order to grow our Faith-Based work in the other
               FGMA geographic regions.

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