Page 3 - Triton Saddle Stitch Brochure
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America’s colleges and universities
face unprecedented challenges,
and yet meaningful environments—
buildings, spaces, landscapes—
are still being realized that
support an institution’s educational
mission, foster interaction, and
help to recruit and retain students,
faculty and staff. These projects
are the result of a clear vision,
a collaborative process and a
creativity that manifests itself
beyond mere aesthetics.
Acknowledging the unique culture
of each institution and advocating
for student success as a guiding
principle, FGM relishes the
challenges, opportunities and spirit
inherent in its higher education
We work on the wide range
of building types found on
FGM Architects is your higher education partner. community college, college and
university campuses, including
academic buildings, science
FGM’s practice is enhanced by our facilities, residence halls and
core purpose and mission, which are student centers. No project is too
the cornerstones for how we meet big or too small—our portfolio is
the needs of our clients, manage our filled with planning studies and
company and support the professional assessments, small and large
development of our colleagues. Our renovations, additions and new
history and our future are based on facilities.
these fundamental principles.
FGM offers our clients a balanced,
CORE PURPOSE collaborative approach to meeting
FGM exists to enhance communities a project’s operational, functional,
by creating quality environments. technical and aesthetic goals and
objectives. Trusting our people,
MISSION our partners, and our process, we
We provide architecture, planning work closely with our clients to
and interiors services to a diverse meet their programmatic objectives
clientele by assembling an integrated and to create resilient, sustainable
professional team who develops environments that improve the
strong relationships and works health and well-being of those who
collaboratively with the client to meet inhabit them.
the client’s present and future needs.