Page 7 - Triton Saddle Stitch Brochure
P. 7
Sustainability—Good Design, Not Over-Design.
The Health Careers Building at The renovated building includes a
Triton College was Certified LEED new high performance envelope
Silver by the United Stated Green (roofing, windows, doors, and walls)
Building Council (USGBC) in 2016 along with highly efficient mechanical
following the renovation of the former systems that optimize the energy use,
automotive technology facility. reduce consumption, and contribute
to the comfort and well being of the
Deciding to renovate the existing
building was the first step in MATERIALS AND RESOURCES
the process to create a better The project included maintaining
learning environment for the Health the existing structural system and
Careers program at Triton College. the majority of the exterior masonry
Community Colleges are often at the walls. More than 90% of the on-site
center of higher education and the generated construction waste was
campus provides access to a variety diverted from landfills. More than
of community services within walking 20% of the new materials were
distance. In addition, the campus is manufactured using recycled materials
accessible by several forms of public and more than 20% of the new
transportation. No new parking was materials came from within 500 miles
developed as part of this project. of the campus.
The new building minimizes the use The interior environment is highlighted
of water on the interior with low-flow by an abundance of glass that
fixtures and on the exterior with native provides natural light and views to
and adaptive plantings that do not the majority of the occupants. Low-
require irrigation. emitting materials throughout the
project also contribute the health and
well-being of the occupants.