Page 29 - The Digital Cloth Issue 7
P. 29
I love to follow these ‘threads of thought’ I just love the thought that a piece of
to see where they will take me. I create vintage table linen holds the secrets of a
‘mind maps’ allowing one thought to lead household! I particularly love working
to another, taking me in unexpected with old garments, taking them apart
directions and enabling me to explore to reveal the shape of each component.
a subject from many different angles. It Clothing is so personal, something worn
leads me way beyond the obvious and day in and day out often next to the skin
often helps me uncover an underlying and therefore literally implanted with
emotion. For me this is a key ingredient stories of the wearer.
to an interesting and absorbing project; I I use collage techniques to layer and patch
need to feel emotionally connected. my materials together, combining them
Wherever possible I use discarded with hand stitch. This inevitably becomes
materials, materials that have been well a slow and thoughtful process – there’s
used, washed and worn - usually old something so personal about leaving your
pieces of clothing or domestic textiles. mark with needle and thread.