Page 56 - The Digital Cloth Issue 7
P. 56

My life has been a rich               in Art Education                  for my thread paintings, my
      tapestry of creative                  eventually went on to             wearable art, and my art
      endeavours; a journey of              graduate with a Masters in        quilts. For me, as much as I
      being passionate about                Art Therapy. My                   love techniques my heart is

      creativity, textiles, stitching,      working life has been a           in the designing and
      drawing and design,                   combination of pursuing           expression of ideas.
      photography, self-expression,  my own creativity and                    Techniques allow me to
      and about expressing the              helping others find their         express and give a voice to
      beauty that I see in the world  own creativity or                       my ideas. The process of
      around me. The ‘threads’ of           facilitating their search         designing is what I love and
      the tapestry have been the            for creative solutions to         I find constant inspiration in
      pursuing of my own                    trauma or life challenges.        the world around me – I have

      creativity, and helping               Studying Fibre at                 enough photos for five lives
      others in their creative              University was focused            of creating! The idea of
      journeys. Being a sewer, a            mostly on the conceptual          taking inspiration from the
      maker and loving to be                process of creating and           ordinary and translating it
      creative has been part of my  at that stage my textile                  into an artwork, making a
      life story for as long as I can  work had no stitching. I               statement, making it
      remember. My                          first learned about thread        beautiful and appealing is
      childhood memories are                painting by participating         what drives me. I want
      of drawing, designing and             in a Kristen Dibbs                observers to stop and think
      learning to sew from my               workshop at a Fibre               about what they see in the
      mother; I loved dolls and             Forum in Mittagong (how           world around them. While
      would make clothes for                I loved and enjoyed those         creating I am often thinking

      them and also hand sewed              Fibre Forums!) I loved the        ahead to the next project
      little garments for myself as         idea of drawing with my           because as Maya Angelou
      a child. As an adolescent I           sewing machine and it             says: “You can’t use up
      learnt to drive a sewing              opened my world to                creativity. The more you use
      machine and my first award            creating artworks and             the more you have.” I am a
      was 2nd place in a regional           wearable garments with            restless soul, never feeling
      sewing competition as a 15            stitch and thread. At the         like I have quite ‘arrived’ at
      year old – I still remember           same time, I also explored        my destination and not

      the brown pin stripe 4 piece  silk painting, felting,                   content to stand still,
      suit with an apricot satin            screen printing and lino          therefor I’m always
      shirt… favourite subjects  printing and creating lace               exploring new ways of
      were Textiles and Art. Going  fabric with dissolvable                   expressing my ideas.
      to University and                     fabric and often my               However, having said that, I
      studying for a Visual Art             wearable art was a                have found my visual
      Degree enabled me to                  combination of                    language through line,
      marry my love of textiles and  techniques. One can never                shape, pattern and colour,
      art and I graduated with a            have too many techniques          these being predominate
      major in Fibre Art and a              up one’s sleeves!!                elements in my work. My
      second major in                       Exhibiting and entering           mantra on my website is
      Photography. During my first  competitions is part of                   “stitch by stitch, taking the

      degree I discovered the               being an artist and I have        line for a walk”, the idea
      power of art therapy and              pursued opportunities for         being the line is pivotal to
      after completing a Post Grad both. I have won awards                    most design elements,
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