Page 13 - The Digital Cloth issue 2
P. 13
If I had to define my approach to art, it I can even remember the first appliqué I
would be a modest attempt to sweep away ever did when I was at primary school; a
the dust of daily life and make others see monster with big buttons for his eyes and all
that often the simplest of things can be the sewn around the edge with blanket stitch. I
most beautiful. I recently came across the have really been sewing for as long as I can
Swedish word ‘fika’, which describes a remember.
moment to slow down and appreciate life. I
thought I would borrow this term to I like to capture people going about their
characterize what I see as the purpose of my everyday lives, often the simplest of things
artwork. To me, an artist is someone who is can be the most beautiful. I start off with
capable of bending things that most people a lineal drawing of the image and then the
see as a straight line. fun begins when I choose which fabrics to
use for the appliqué. I carefully cut out the
I don’t really know how I arrived where I shapes and sew them in place with my
am now with my artwork. It was just a machine. After that, I sew the rest of the
natural progression of several factors. image with black thread, as though it were
Creatively I have always been a Jack of all my pencil line and finally, I add embroidery
trades, as long as I was creating, I was thread to highlight just specific parts in
happy. My grandmother was a very gifted the image, which is what helps to bring the
embroiderer and when we went to visit her, pieces to life.
she would give us big, blunt, needles and Contact Ann at…
small squares of canvas which we would
then fill with rows of stitches.