Page 16 - The Digital Cloth issue 2
P. 16

A big happy HELLO from me,                            It is often during these activities when                                                                                 “WOW! This makes me smile”.
          Mandy Murray!                                         my mind is clear, the air is fresh and my                                                                                 I couldn’t wish for a sweeter compliment.
          I am the fun loving, creative heart behind            imagination is free to dream up my next
          ‘Sew Quirky’.                                         fun design.  In addition to my amazing                                                                                   Creating something handmade is so ex-
                                                                family, friends and very supportive man, I                                                                               pressive and designing a pattern to share
           I live in a coastal suburb near Bundaberg            have a cheeky little helper by the name of                                                                               with others is more meaningful than first
          in sunny Queensland and love                          Toby, who is a playful Jack Russell.                                                                                     meets the eye. You never know where one
          surrounding myself with positive,                                                                                                                                              of your designs will end up.
          like-minded and creative souls.  As a                 In school I knew I wanted to be a teacher.                                                                               Created with love from its maker and
          youngster I was free spirited and always              It was my desire to inspire, that led me                                                                                 likely gifted, isn’t that so special? It could

          pestering to make something.  I was lucky             straight from graduating Year 12 into a                                                                                  be welcoming a new little human into the
          enough to have learnt to sew at a very                High School Teaching degree majoring in                                                                                  world or even brightening someone’s
          young age by my special Mum, who                      of course… textiles! Teaching others fills                                                                               day who may be suffering.  Sewing has
          nurtured and encouraged my creativity                 my heart                                                                                                                 the power to even enlighten, relax and
          immensely.  My Mum still inspires me                  with                                                                                                                     soothe the soul of the maker. The art and
          to this day, listens to my ideas and helps            happiness.                                                                                                               journey of sewing is pretty awesome isn’t
          tremendously with Sew Quirky.                         My                                                                                                                       it? That’s why I love it. Mix it with loads
          If I’m not in my studio surrounded by my              passion to                                                                                                               of positivity and a spoon full of encour-
          quirky creations, you’ll find me either               be involved                                                                                                              agement and you’ll have a perfect combi-

          cruising around in my retro car, “Teddy”              closer with                                                    my pattern brand and establishing Sew Quirky.             nation for success!
          a classic 1970 VW Beetle or enjoying the              the sewing                                                     I could see the impact I had on inspiring my              In life, many of us are in search of our
          outdoors, fishing with my Dad, bike                   industry led                                                   students in the classroom and I knew it was my            purpose.  I’m lucky enough to feel like
          riding or kayaking.                                   me into                                                                                                                  I’ve been given a gift to share, to inspire
                                                                developing                                                     destiny to share it further.  I am
                                                                                                                               extremely grateful to have combined both my

                                                                                                                               love of teaching and sewing into a successful
                                                                                                                               business which allows me to travel not only
                                                                                                                               around Australia, but Internationally.

                                                                                                                               Developing my own sewing patterns has given
                                                                                                                               me the opportunity to spread my love of
                                                                                                                               creating with not only my local community,
                                                                                                                               but the whole world and if you wondered what
                                                                                                                               my favourite technique is, you could say I’m an

                                                                                                                               Appliqué addict. It is evident when you look at
                                                                                                                               my designs that I love putting a modern twist
                                                                                                                               on a traditional technique.
                                                                                                                               I enjoy mixing different mediums, such as
                                                                                                                               cork, vinyl and wool felt - it gives texture to
                                                                                                                               my creations. It’s also clear to see that I LOVE
                                                                                                                               Mixing an array of contrasting patterns and
                                                                                                                               solids to achieve a pop of interest.  When
                                                                                                                               people see my designs, the most common
                                                                                                                               comment I receive is;
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