Page 2 - The Digital Cloth issue 2
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Where to start … a feast of colour,
                                                                                                                           bold design and myriad links to con-
                                                                                                                           tributing artists’ content epitomises
          Welcome Back                                         Caroline and have a very casual chat about her              junkies. Bravo to Caroline, Mel and                Have your say.
                                                                                                                           the title of this new e-mag for textile
                                                               in August and she was more than happy to sit with
                                                                                                                           the team for dipping their toes into
                                                               beautiful work. Check the link in her article to go
                     Hi and welcome back to the second issue
                     of The Digital Cloth. We have been so     directly to the interview. We introduce you to a local      the complex world of e-publishing       I would like to Congratulate
                                                                                                                           and thereby producing such an
              overwhelmed with the response and feedback       Coffs Coast artist, Deb Laan who creates vibrant sea        entertaining & interesting read.        Caroline and Mel on the first           Great magazine. Enjoyed reading
               from our first issue and we thank each one of you   side mandalas. Mandy Murray from Sew Quirky             Featuring interviews with outstanding   edition of The Digital Cloth – a
       for your continued support with this little journey that   joins us to share a bit more about her work and          Australian and international textile    textile artists haven and lifestyle     about all of the Textile Designers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Beautiful pictures.
       is turning out to be quite a big one! We have such a large   Ann Harmer shows off her modern embroidery             artists, this inaugural issue is a nice   magazine it is truly a unique         Liza
       line up of artists jumping on board for all our planned   and studio. Elizabeth Dubbelde’s “One Red Thread”         blend of ‘What-I-do’,                   e-magazine which is a wonderful
       future emagazines so we hope you all can come along     exhibition is on display in our Digital Exhibition          ‘How-I-like-to-work’ and                publication full of inspiring and      The first edition had lots of interest-
       for the ride and learn about new and known artists of all   this issue. Business women come Fashion designer,       ‘What-inspires-me’ – food for thought   informative articles exhibiting the    ing articles in it, and also featured
       genres.                                                 Gwen Gyldenege shows off her designs and shares             for the aspirational or recreational    best of textiles here in Australia     some amazing talent!
       Our summer edition is huge! We have managed to          her inspiring story about leaving the corporate world       reader. Wishing you every success as    and overseas, showcasing some          Looking forward to the next
       complete an emagazine with over 100 pages of gorgeous   and following her dream. My friend, Bek from Salty          you plan towards your next              amazingly talented artists from        edition.
       imagery and stories from a multitude of artists. But not   Swimwear explains to us about saving the                 publishing deadline, which will be                                             Sonia
       only that, we have moved into our new platform FlipBook   environment, one plastic bottle at a time. There is       eagerly awaited by ‘the Tribe’.         different mediums and using very
       which we believe, provides you, our readers with a better   some cooking, a book giveaway, some shopping,           Libby,                                  different techniques to create their    Congratulations to Caroline & Mel
       quality product.  Kathryn Harmer Fox visited Urunga     even some discount codes to use at checkout, and so                                                 artworks.  I like the way that          for creating a magazine full of the
                                                               much more.                                                  Canberra                                Caroline and Mel have been able to      best textile queen  articles. They
                                                           I am happy to share with you all, that we will be releasing      What a great resource put together     incorporate into the magazine           are inspiring,  encouraging with
                                                           a holiday edition of The Digital Cloth in November as a          by Caroline & Mel! It introduces us    lifestyle aspects from interior         the Artists sharing their techniques
                                                           gift to our loyal readers this festive season. It will be filled   to new artists & further acquaints   design, fashion and cooking.  And       and journeys. Bring on more of
                                                           with creative ideas to try this festive season as well as        us with some familiar & favourite      I am looking forward to the next        their workshops!!
                                                           places around our beautiful area of the east coast to visit      artists. I read this front to back in a   edition and following Caroline       Robyn
                                                           this summer.                                                     single sitting & will keep it & refer to   and Mel on their journey with the
                                                           Congratulations to Ms J. Malnik from the USA                     it in times to come. The generosity    e-magazine.                            Love this magazine. I have so many
                                                           on being randomly selected as our                                of all who participated is evident not                                        ideas in my head after reading it.
                                                           winner of Michelle                                               just in the content but also the links   Helen,                               Very inspiring and looking forward
                                                           Mischkulnig’s book,                                              which shared even more wonderful       Glenfal                                to the next one. Robyn
                                                           “My Creative Life” and                                           images & insights.  Caroline has an                                           What a lovely surprise on opening

                                                           we would like to thank                                           unerring sense for the who, the what   “the creativity of so many
                                                           Michelle for donating her                                        & the how that I for one want to                                              the initial issue of The Digital Cloth
                                                           beautiful signed book for                                        know. Mel’s editing gives a               fabulous contributors.”             and discovering what a treasure
                                                                                                                                                                                                          trove lay inside. So many articles
                                                           this giveaway. By                                                delightful flow, making reading a
                                                           purchasing issue 2 of The Digital Cloth before November          pleasure. Love the photography.                                               and newsy items of interest to me
                                                                                                                                                                                                          and, I am sure, to anyone with an
                                                           30th, you are automatically entered into our next                Can’t wait for the next one!           What a great venture – I thoroughly
                                                           giveaway, Textile Folk Art by Anne Kelly.                        Di                                     enjoyed getting the inside scoop from   attraction towards textile art and a
                                                           I hope you enjoy reading our latest copy of The Digital          Blue Mountains                         such talented artists and quilters,    world made richer by the creativity
                                                                                                                                                                                                          of so many fabulous contributors. It
                                                           Cloth. We love feedback as this is helpful to make it the                                               some of whom I already knew and
                                                           magazine you would like to see. If you are interested in         WOW!  Congratulations Caroline         had taken classes with, but many who   is great to have access to
                                                                                                                                                                                                          quality leaders in the field from
                                                           being featured or would like to advertise with us, please        and Mel for the ‘Digital Cloth’.       I am now introduced to.  It felt like I
                                                           contact our Director, Caroline Sharkey at                        Absolutely fantastic.  Love all the    was getting to know them personally,   both Australia and overseas.
                                                  for further information.               stories of the amazing fibre artists   and to read about their incredible    Featured articles ranged beyond
                                                                                                                                                                                                          matters to do with textiles art. There
                                                                                                                            showcased in this first edition.  Too   journeys was inspiring.  Caroline has   are practical tips and recipes for
                                                                                       Mel x                                much to read at one sitting so it is   such a passion for sharing knowledge   food lovers. There are stories about

                                                 Advertise                                                                  great to go back to it and find more.  - her new magazine is testament to     the lives and inspirations of several
                                                                                                                            And the cooking section – as I have    her dedication to supporting other     contributors. The photography and
                                                                                                                            had the opportunity of tasting the     inspiring artists and crafters.        imaginative layout is first-rate. Can’t
                                                    with us.                                                                chef’s cooking, I look forward to      Congratulations Caroline and Mel       wait for Issue number 2!
                                                                                                                            more of his creations in coming        on seeing the fruition of this dream   Margaret
                                                                                                                            editions                               come to life.                                                 k
                                                                                                                            Catherine                              Can’t wait for the next episode.
                                                                                                                                                                   Terri x
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