Page 4 - The Digital Cloth issue 2
P. 4

Hi I am Caroline Sharkey,                               All the details about the
        the Director of The Digital                             workshops, registration form
        Cloth.                                                  and the Uluru Retreat
        I have sat down to write this                           booklet are all included in
        page so many times in past                              the links…come join us on
        weeks and always seem to be a                           this amazing experience next
        little overwhelmed at what to                           year.
        say with the response to our
        first issue…It went global...                           To all the incredible
        how exciting! So thank you to                           artists that are featured
        everyone that supported this                            here in this issue thank you
        venture!                                                for your support and working
                                                                with us, we are very excited
        Wow! Do we have another                                 to share your wonderful art
        awesome issue for you!                                  and stories…
        Pages filled with artists I                             Also exciting news is the
        have known or followed for so                           Holiday Issue of The Digital
        long and now is the                                     Cloth out in Nov and it’s
        opportunity to share them                               a Free Issue so spread the
        with you all. A fabulous                                word as its our gift for the
        article and chat with Kathryn                           Holidays!
        Harmer Fox from South
        Africa is a highlight for me
        in this issue. Connecting
        with Janine Heschl from
        Vienna and reading about her
        journey to raise awareness of
        endangered animals and see
        the amazing textile artworks
        she creates.

        The Sewing Up a Storm in the
        Desert Retreat 2020
        pages highlight this
        bi-annual event.

                                                        Happy Creating
                                                                      Caroline x
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