Page 12 - The Digital Cloth Issue 6
P. 12

seaside nostalgia. Being  think, we just stitched                     wanted to pursue my
        young and enthusiastic  away until he seemed                          own work and set up as
        we thought that filling a  complete. Flossie was                      a self-employed
        large space with over              the starting point.                artist. My partner, Janni,
        fifty, true-to-size,               Something about the                and I upped sticks and
        handmade, fabric                   way he came alive,                 moved to France for a
        beach balls seemed a               enchanted me, the                  few months, to

        fantastic idea. It was a           creation of a lifelike             concentrate on
        laborious undertaking,             form and the                       nurturing our creative
        but we were delighted              application of fabrics             interests.
        with the result.                   that were already part             Back in the UK, my Mum
                                           of our story conjured              and I opened a shop
        The beach ball project             a magic that I knew I              and gallery space in
        led to us being asked to  wanted to develop and  Chichester, West Sussex.
        create a suitable                  explore.                           The shop was called

        sculpture for an art trail                                            Pretty Scruffy, we sold
        set in and around the              We had graduated                   our own work
        beach huts of Hayling              by now and found                   alongside that of many
        Island. We didn’t have             ‘proper’ jobs, I joined a          local artisans. It was
        long to come up with               fantastic independent              a golden few years, I
        something, but we                  jewellery company, my  loved working
        decided to make a                  boss Julie, taught me so  closely with my mum,
        life-size textile sculpture        much about the                     and I had time to
        of a donkey. ‘Flossie’             business and retail                concentrate on
        the fabric donkey was              aspects of the industry.           developing my own
        constructed from a                 She also gave me the               work. My textile
        wonderful mishmash of              wonderful                          creatures began to

        anything we could find             opportunity to travel to           attract interest, through
        lying around, reclaimed  Jaipur in India with her                     the gallery and on
        wood from our log pile,            on buying trips. I fell in         social media. The
        the contents of our                love with India and                gallery opened up lots
        recycling bin and the              during these trips I               of new opportunities
        winter duvets from our             couldn’t help but                  and it gave me the
        linen cupboard. We                 feather my nest of                 confidence to focus
        constructed a wooden               fabric hoardings,                  fully on my sculptures.

        frame, wrapped it with             lugging home all the
        duvets and sheets, then  block print fabric,                          After starting our own
        patch-worked the                   second-hand saris and              family, we closed the
        surface with a                     as many Kantha quilts              gallery, so I could
        collection of fabrics we  as I could fit in my                        concentrate on being
        had gathered and cut               suitcase. I’m still using          Mum to my two
        from old clothes. In the           pieces of these textiles           gorgeous boys, and
        space of four days and  in my work today.                             spend any spare time
        nights                                                                (ha!) solely on my own
        Flossie was born, we               After several years, I             work. Slowing down,
        didn’t have time to                needed a change, I                 and taking the time
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