Page 17 - The Digital Cloth Issue 6
P. 17

character emerges. It is a   its creator; the result is so
 tricky concept to   uniquely theirs.
 communicate, there is no
 set pattern, no right way and   Nowadays, I divide my time
 each new animal presents   between making, exhibiting
 it’s own challenges. I love this   and teaching. Our boys are
 way of working, it’s   both at school now (at least

 organic and the creatures   they were until COVID turned
 evolve throughout the   everything upside down) so
 process, but it can take a bit   theoretically I have more
 of mental adjustment for   time to create. I have a small
 participants in my classes.   studio/fabric nest at home,
 By the end of the second   which is my place of escape.
 workshop in Australia I was   I love the feeling of being
 hooked; I can’t have done   totally consumed by

 too badly because they   whatever it is I am working on,
 asked me back again a   it’s easy to lose myself in the
 couple of years later.  process, digging for the
    perfect piece of fraying
 Following on from my first   fabric for an eyelash or the
 workshops in Australia, I   right leaf print to accentuate
 began to host my own events  an ankle or a haunch. I’m not
 back in the UK, I teach   looking for realism; my work
 people to make a mouse or   seeks a feeling of life and
 a bird on one-day workshops,  soul. The animals come into
 and also offer longer   being and they pull me in,
 workshops where   there is a turning point with

 participants can attempt   each sculpture I make, a
 whichever animal they fancy   moment when the personality
 (within reason).   appears and begins to direct
 I meet so many kindred spirits   its own evolution, it feels a bit
 in my teaching, the methods I  like magic. I am very lucky to
 utilise seem to really   have found a way to make a
 encourage individual   living doing something I love,
 expression. I feel like it’s quite   the journey has been

 a cathartic process, for   unpredictable, my work and
 myself and for my students,   where it takes me is
 and gives us a space in time   unpredictable too, and that’s
 to get lost in our own   just the way I like it.
 creativity whilst being free
 enough to encourage us to   Cheers
 discover our own
 interpretation. The outcomes   Bryony
 never fail to astonish me,
 each sculpture reflects the
 personality and mood of
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