Page 20 - The Digital Cloth Issue 6
P. 20

Super-Fast Forward: I was lucky to
    collaborate with international brands
    and companies, and work on exciting
    projects learning and perfecting the
    techniques along the way.
    With my first paper artwork ‘Yulia’,

    I, unknowingly, invented Quilling
    from scratch for myself (I never even
    heard the term Quilling before my
    work started to appear on internet).
    It turned out that my method is not
    really the same as traditional Quilling:
    the key difference is that I use heavy
    paper or card which I shape and
    manipulate any way I want to, as if I’m
    drawing or painting with paper strips
    (instead of rolling thin paper into basic


    Painting with paper means
    imitating brushstrokes with tightly
    packed strips of paper, achieved by
    combining different colour strips in
    a similar way as mixing paints on a
    palette. This new technique comes as

    close to the real painting as possible,
    but with added quality of a third
    dimension. Obviously combining
    coloured paper strips in this manner
    won’t give you a smooth new colour
    that you can get when mixing paints,
    it is more of an optical illusion
    explained by limits of the human eye’s
    ability to perceive alternating colour
    stripes — at a certain distance the
    eye struggles to discern
    individual stripes and begins to                In my art it is all about paper; I buy and collect paper              My current interest lies in conveying a                  learned (and, of course, continue learning)

    perceive the new blended colour as              from everywhere in search for as many colour                          deeper emotional complexity into paper                   about quilling and paper art. This is not a
    a whole. Creating a tight stroke-like           varieties as possible, so most of the storage space                   artworks; I feel a new urge in choosing my               project-based book, what I’m trying to
    shape (or pack) is simple: bend a               is filled with full size sheets of paper, paper cut into              subject matter: it feels that depicting just a           encourage through sharing my experience and
    strip or several strips together multiple       strips (in most cases I cut paper by hand) and paper                  beautiful flower, a pretty shell or a                    practical advice, is creative freedom: we
    times alternating the direction of the          strips rolled into different circles. My tools are                    decorative wave on it own is simply ‘not                 create in order to feel joy from making
    bend (if you let go of the strip at this        basic things that you can find around the house: I use                enough’… A human presence is needed to                   something beautiful with our own hands. This
    point, you’ll get a zig zag shape); dip         a firm cocktail straw (to curl and shape paper) and                   deepen the visual experience, the feel &                 feeling of joy is many times stronger when you
    it into a puddle of glue (I use PVA),           wooden toothpicks to roll circles or coils, also PVA                  emotional charge coming from the artwork,                create art inspired by something that moves

    place onto the background surface               glue, scissors and tweezers – that’s pretty much it.                  so I end up combining the natural motifs                 you deeply as a person. That’s why it is im-
    and secure with a clip until the glue           Nature is my infinite source of inspiration whether I’m               with human faces (ultimately we all are part  portant not to get stuck and develop a habit of
    dries completely.                               looking what to depict or just need a visual reference                of nature). In my book Painting with Paper:              always needing somebody else to outline and
                                                    for choosing a colour palette.                                        Paper on the Edge I share everything I’ve                plan every creative decision for you (like in
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