Page 26 - The Digital Cloth Issue 6
P. 26
Hannah Wisdom Textiles
Textile art created in
Plymouth, Devon
Hannah Wisdom
I am a textile artist
working in Plymouth, Devon. Get Creative
I create my original textile
artworks by sewing recycled
and rescued fabrics onto old
discarded sea charts, to With
reference wildlife,
locality, heritage and
culture. The charts provide Sonya Prchal
an immediate linkage to the
environment of the subject,
and I love how their scars
and blemishes add an extra Sonya is an Art Quilter Aotearoa Quilters set a Transferring the Design –
layer of context and history. who gains her inspiration Challenge – ‘New Zealand The paper pattern is taped
The South West of England is from gorgeous scenery and Through Our Eyes’, Sonya onto the back of a PDF
a region where the heritage animals in New Zealand felt compelled to portray fabric. I trace the design on
of the sea permeates; this
linkage of history and and overseas. She enjoys these elusive birds. She to the fabric on a light box
exploration and the capturing the beauty in her shares some of her with a 2B graphite pencil.
permanence or persistence works, with whole cloth techniques here. The fabric is 75cm in size,
of the wildlife though it painting and extensive this allows for shrinkage
all fascinates me. I love to thread work. Sonya loves Composing the Work – from the extensive
weave those threads together. sharing her work, she has Three of David my stitching.
taught and exhibited works husband’s photos
throughout New Zealand composed the basis of my
and internationally. design. I laid the photos
out on paper in a triangular
The ‘North Island Kaka’ position and drew in extra
My original works are photographed is one of Sonya’s works flax flowers and branches
using cutting edge 3D scanning inspired by a visit to the to complete the
technology, to produce images with Great Barrier Island, where composition. I traced a line
all the texture and depth of the she felt privileged to drawing onto paper and
original works. I use these images to observe the rare Kaka enlarged it on the
produce my gorgeously soft faux suede
cushions. flying around and enjoying photocopier to the 50cm above: pencil drawing on
the native flowers. When squared size required. fabric