Page 56 - The Digital Cloth Issue 6
P. 56

hearts.                                                       I spend a few days on each fleece gently hand             has her sitting safely under a glass bell jar away from    Ideally, a large airy studio in the garden where I
                                                                 washing, drying, brushing out any debris and              the inquisitive hands of her granddaughters.               could host needle felting workshops and also invite
   When did you start CoW Parsley – why the name                 carding it so that the fibres are all going in the                                                                   guest experts to come and teach different crafts to
   ‘CoW Parsley’ and what is its story to date?                  same direction which makes it easier to place and         So far 2020 has been particularly challenging for          small groups of people wanting to learn a new skill in
   I wanted to have a business of my own that could fit in       stab.  I then vacuum seal the wool in bags to ensure      so many and is set to continue for a while.  Do you        the countryside.  I also bake, so cakes would feature
   around the demands of family life and I had been aiming  it stays dust and mite-free until I need to use it.            find creating helps you to stay grounded during            heavily with our morning coffee and afternoon tea!
   to start something just before the twins begin secondary      This summer I plan to dye some wool using                 these tough times?
   school in September 2020, however it all happened by          vegetables from our veggie patch if the pigeons           I definitely think creativity helps a lot of people cope   Finally, which famous animal would you most like
   accident two years ago.  I had bought my daughter Esme,  don’t eat it all first - wish me luck!                         in stressful times but it has always been part of my       to felt and/or who would you most like to gift one
   a needle felting kit for her birthday but within minutes      The other materials I use such as needles, polymer        life.  Personally, I find creating very satisfying and     of your works, and why?
   she had accidentally stabbed herself so many times she        clay (to make noses and claws), beeswax balm and          totally absorbing.  I love starting something from         I would love to felt any of the deserving animals
   soon handed it over to me and that’s when I made my           certain types of wool, I source online from               scratch in its raw form, and seeing it through to its      receiving bravery awards each year, for example the
   first tiny hare.  I was hooked and the reaction I received and I make            end result which I hope will be admired and loved for  PDSA Animal Awards that has been around since
   from this little hare encouraged me to carry on.  Soon        my own felting pads by hand stitching old sacking         many years.                                                1943, with my felt creation auctioned to raise money

   after that I received my first wedding present commission  into a square and filling it with rice (and                                                                             for the charity.
   – a family of four hares.                                     composting it when it’s worn out!). The wire I use        Dreaming with no limits, where would you love to
   The name CoW Parsley came to me when I thought                for the armature is bought from our local garden          take CoW Parsley in the future?                                            Thank you for the
   about which plants, I felt epitomised the countryside.        centre. I spend a few days on each fleece gently          As well as continuing to take on more commissions
   Cow Parsley can be seen in almost every field and             hand washing, drying, brushing out any debris             and sell my creations online, I would absolutely love a                   lovely chat...
   hedgerow and it looks like lace, which I love.  It’s also a   and carding it so that the fibres are all going in the    dedicated workspace away from the house.
   play on my initials ‘Claire Wayland-Pratt’ - so it had to     same direction which makes it easier to place and
   be!                                                           stab.  I then vacuum seal the wool in bags to ensure
                                                                 it stays dust and mite-free until I need to use it.
   How do you go about capturing particular and                  This summer I plan to dye some wool using
   individual expressions so beautifully and successfully?       vegetables from our veggie patch if the pigeons
   I think it’s all in the eyes. You could make the perfect      don’t eat it all first - wish me luck!
   body but if the eyes are not quite right, then it just doesn’t  The other materials I use such as needles, polymer
   work for me - I have a box of ‘not quite rights’ to make      clay (to make noses and claws), beeswax balm and
   into something completely different one day! Studying         certain types of wool, I source online from
   photos that have been sent to me or researching relevant and I make
   breeds all help me capture that key expression.  It takes     my own felting pads by hand stitching old sacking
   a long time and patience to place wool in just the right      into a square and filling it with rice (and
   spot, but it’s worth it in the end.  I am only a couple of    composting it when it’s worn out!). The wire I use
   years in but I’m learning more with every piece and I am  for the armature is bought from our local garden
   inspired by my peers to improve all the time.                 centre.

   Is it quite an emotional process, both for you and your  Could you talk us through the process of one
   client?                                                       particular creation?
   Definitely emotional for me, having spent literally           One of my favourite commissions was ‘Tilly’ - a
   20 - 30 hours lovingly working on a pup there is              Yellow Labrador.  I have known her since she was a
   definitely a feeling I get when it is time to secure it’s     10-week old puppy when we met at puppy training
   handmade collar and tag, write a personal note telling        classes. I was thrilled to be commissioned to
   the new owner to keep them away from small hands and          create a mini Tilly, complete with one of her
   pets, and carefully box it up ready for delivery.  It is      beloved tennis balls.
   certainly lovely to hear that my client is thrilled with      Once the pose has been decided I create the
   their pup.                                                    armature using the wire and wrap it in core wool,
                                                                 stabbing it in to place until the Labrador form
   You take great care with the materials you use – could        takes shape – this process takes a few hours.  I then
   you tell us more, where they are sourced?                     add fine features, paws, ears and tail and then the
   I am very lucky that I know several local shepherds who       topcoat … and for Tilly, a tiny tennis ball.  Her
   very generously donate a few fleeces to me once a year.       owner was totally thrilled with her likeness and
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