Page 60 - The Digital Cloth Issue 6
P. 60

Using just a single stitch for all your                   painting were somewhat negative I must admit. I              step by step instructions of  how to construct a          Very, it turned out.
    embroidery art probably sounds like quite a dull          was on a three-year apprenticeship at The Royal              stitch, or you plan a design inserting different          I found that I loved that I could make an area of
    way of  working for those textile artists and             School of  Needlework and had no choice about                stitches, materials or thread types to achieve the        stitching the exact colour I needed by placing
    embroiderers that embellish their stitching with  learning it and I probably would not have if  left                   desired effect, with thread painting it was just          one stitch of  a colour next to another just as a
    an array of  complex stitches, textures, thread           to my own devices.                                           one straight stitch which magically (it seemed)           painter mixes his paints on a palette.
    and media. Not for me though, I am very happy              I loved the variety and texture of  crewel work             produced a thread painting, it felt very daunting.        Obviously, you are restricted somewhat in your
    with just one stitch: long and short.                     stitches, the mathematical style of  counted                 I could not get my head around the concept; it            colour palette by the limited number of
    Of  all the hand embroidery techniques for some  blackwork patterns, and the formal rules of                           was all a little bit too ‘free’ and technically           commercially available threads but this idea of
    reason I am drawn to painting with thread in the  metal thread embroidery. Yes, it gave the most                       challenging, in my opinion compared to what I             producing more colours in your work just by
    traditional long and short stitch style.                  beautiful results but whereas with other                     had learnt so far on the course.                          thread placement was a new concept for me in
     My first thoughts about learning thread                  embroidery techniques where you follow the                   How wrong could I be on my first impressions?             my embroidery, previous to that in my training
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