Page 65 - The Digital Cloth Issue 6
P. 65

for such a long time and in so doing   The
 forced me out of  my comfort zone. It   Digital                     Cloth
 also gave me a chance to explore the
 historical side and cultural differences
 and uses of  long and short stitch.
 One new way of  embroidering for me
 was to use the straight stitch as a                                           An ArTisTs HAven
 solitary stitch with no splitting of                                                                      And
 it in rows as with the long and short
 technique and using the background                                      lifesTyle eMAgAzine
 fabric to show through these individual   Creative Beauty
 stitches as part of  the design palette.
 No, it is not a new technique at all, but
 it was a very different way of  working   lindA scAvio
 for me, as usually I would always make
 sure there were no gaps in my
 stitching. Here the gaps between the
 stitches became part of  the embroidery
 design to enhance the colour as needed.

 Observation is a big part of  my
                                                 Holiday Issue 2
 embroidery, I work from my own   Holiday Issue 2
 photographs for my nature studies and
 picking that first palette of  threads
 then influences the background colour
 I choose. I am slightly obsessive in
 getting exactly the right shade for          Coming
 every part of  my embroidery, but I
 enjoy the challenge of  creating a
 realistic embroidery.

 I embroider pretty much every day,
 sometimes it is a small thread   December 2020
 painting to fit into my embroidered
 jewellery range or it may be part of  an
 epic piece that will take hundreds of
 hours but it will always be the humble                               The ART of
 long and short stitch for me… although
                                                                     KATHy ross
 of  course I do love a good French knot!

 Thread Painting and Silk
 Shading Embroidery –

 Margaret Dier published by

 Crowood Press
 Available now!
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