Page 62 - The Digital Cloth Issue 6
P. 62

the emphasis was very much on the
    stitch construction and neatness of                                                                                                                 That one stitch which seemed a              for my embroideries which I
    individual stitches.                                                                                                                                mystery to begin with and yes did          separate up and use a single strand
    I loved that I could use just straight                                                                                                              cause a few grey hairs and much            of, as I prefer working in extra fine
    stitches to give the impression of  a                                                                                                               unpicking is now mostly the only           detail. I choose to use it mainly for
    petal curving or a leaf  turning over.                                                                                                              type of  stich I use for my art. I use     the vast range of  colours available
    I loved the idea of  studying an                                                                                                                    it predominantly for nature                although I do occasionally use a
    object in such detail that I could then                                                                                                             studies, birds especially, and love        very fine silk floss thread for
    create an embroidery that looked like                                                                                                               how it replicates feathers in a way        smaller projects as the glow and
    a painting. After starting my first                                                                                                                 no watercolour or oil paint can.           sheen the silk brings is
    thread painting project I abandoned                                                                                                                 With many embroidery techniques            unbeatable. My needles are number
    my wild rose botanical print that I                                                                                                                 the look and construction of  the          twelve crewel/embroidery needles
    had based some of  my design on and                                                                                                                 individual stitch is one of  the most  or number eleven sharps.
    picked a wild rose from the garden to                                                                                                               important parts of  the piece,             The backing for my thread
    influence my colour choices.                                                                                                                        conversely with the style of  thread       paintings needs to be closely
    Those first few pinks I naively picked                                                                                                              painting that I use the individual         woven, so I use flat silks and fine
    out before starting were added to                                                                                                                   stitches should disappear.                 linens but after writing my thread
    with greys and creams and much                                                                                                                      You are looking at the whole piece         painting book and exploring the
    more subtle colours than I had                                                                                                                      of  art without being distracted by        subject further I have since brought
    originally chosen or seen. I enjoyed                                                                                                                varying characters of  thread and          needle felted balls and intricately
    learning to look for colours that were                                                                                                              stitch construction. In fact, when I       printed surfaces into my work.
    there, rather than what I presumed                                                                                                                  teach, I always stress the                 Writing my book was a challenge,
    were there.                                                                                                                                         importance that the rows of                but I loved it. It also forced me to
    From that first thread painting, I was                                                                                                              stitches should not show, they need  think of  new and original ways to
    hooked. Long and short stitch was the only                                                                                                          to flow into each other seamlessly.        use my one beloved stitch that I
    one for me.                                                                                                                                         I use stranded cottons as the ‘paint’      had embroidered with traditionally
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