Page 107 - The Digital Cloth - holiday issue 5
P. 107
I also believe it’s important to celebrate nature’s beauty. I loved the zippered pouches and wanted to make a lot more,
For the most part, my art is a reflection of my preference to but the makerspace closed over the summer break. So I
see the cup half full. I want to experience life to the fullest tried using the fabric printing service to
through the places I go, the things I see, and the work I make. print my designs on denim fabric to make zippered pouches.
As the quilting industry goes through changes in the US, I’m They have turned out to be pretty popular and I have them
finding bigger gaps in my teaching schedule, and because this for sale on my website and also when I’m teaching.
has been my sole source of revenue it has become harder Unfortunately at the moment I haven’t figured out how to
to make ends meet. So last year an opportunity came up to get the shipping calculator to work on overseas sales on my
teach mini workshops in the makerspace of our local website, but one of these days I’ll figure it out, but I’m afraid
community college on a weekly basis. What really interested that the shipping will end up costing more than the product.
me was getting access to the 54” digital printer, lol. While I’m really not that prolific, I’ve just been making art quilts a
there I started printing some of my painted designs on LONG time (30 years?), so I have a fairly large body of work,
banner vinyl and sewed them into tote bags and zippered with the majority of the larger work happening 10+ years ago
pouches. when I was married and didn’t have to support myself.