Page 7 - The Digital Cloth Issue 3
P. 7
Cindy Watkins
5000 Textile Trees Project something Helen is exceptionally good at. Then I practised and experimented as much as 10,000 was a bit daunting so I thought I would
try the half way point.
by Cindy Watkins Coming from a painting background this was I could.
Slowly I developed my style and technique
very appealing. I enjoy the tactile nature of
textiles. Its art work that you can touch. I am through practice and experimentation. A class
Two things were pivotal in setting me on the terrible at piecing and can’t sew a straight line with UK machine embroidery artist Alison Holt
path of working in textiles. One was an article to help myself, let alone get all those points to also had a big impact on my current work. If
in one of my Mum’s quilting magazines about line up. you haven’t come across her check her out she
quilter and artist Helen Godden. And the other, For all those ladies who can I am in awe. is amazing.
the life shattering death of my brother from I taught myself free motion quilting via
cancer in his early 30’s. His death had a YouTube. I practice a lot, in-fact I wore out the I come to the decision to create my 5000 Trees
profound impact on my life direction helping sewing machine Mum gave me. I went to as project after reading a book on how to make
me decide to do what I loved and to follow my many classes as I could find on art quilting. money for your artwork. In the book Art
dreams. Which were few and far between in Tasmania. Money Success the author talked about a lady
I remember being very excited when I learned I read every book and magazine I could get my in the USA paining 10,000 Buddhas. This
that it was okay to paint on your quilts - hands on. inspired me to set a goal to stitch 5000 Trees.