Page 33 - The Digital Cloth - issue 8
P. 33
Hello. My name is Rebecca Anne My love for patterns and fabric
Brady and I am a Mixed was inspired by my grandmother
Media and Textile Design Artist. from an early age and has
I use everything from oil crayons continued to light a fire in me to
and charcoal to spray paint, oils, continue the gifts she taught me.
acrylics and inks. Each material
is unique in its application and As a mixed media artist l love
creates windows as gateways for working with collage and
new exploration. watercolour to create beautiful
I started creating art at a designs that tell a story. I love to
really young age and have explore and experiment with art
always believed this was my materials in relation to the
journey. At 42 years old, I’m the intuitive act of creating. My
mother two beautiful children artworks are a detailed and
Jaxson (10) and Harper (3) and complex hub of fusing colour in
wife to Brendan. I’ve worked as multi layers. It’s a creative and
a Visual Arts Teacher at visual playground of exploration
Ashcroft High School for the and experimentation that
past 21 years but always manifests itself into an
continued my art practice, expressionistic form, idea, motif
exhibiting my work both or landscape.
nationally and internationally
since I was 18.