Page 10 - The Digital Cloth Holiday issue 2
P. 10
Society of Embroidered Work (S.E.W.) which You are welcome to view more of my work at
aims to raise the status of textile art. my instagram and website which includes my
I’ve really enjoyed working on all these contact details. I’m very happy to consider
magpie pieces with their endless commissions.
combinations of materials and techniques
and I am sure to return to this bird theme in
the future. The verse that started me on this
journey has many versions to be investigated
and there are many other stories
surrounding the magpie I can explore. So I
supposed I will have to stock up on my black
and white threads!
One for Sorrow Traditional Rhyme
(Modern Version)
One for sorrow,
Two for joy,
Three for a girl,
Four for a boy,
Five for silver,
Six for gold,
Seven for a secret,
Never to be told.
Eight for a wish,
Nine for a kiss,
Ten for a bird,
You must not miss.