Page 15 - The Digital Cloth Holiday issue 2
P. 15

get it right. These are the things  joyful way they engage with art ,

      I used, artists canvas as a base                         and as an educator I had
      layer, wallpaper paste to glue,                          agonised about how I could so
      acrylic paint, a selection of                            easily interrupt and disrupt that
      sewing thread and my fabric stash.  joy by planting ideas of success
      I sat at my desk in the middle of                        and failure .This had happened to
      a pile of fabric and                                     me as it does to so many. As I
      began cutting, tearing and gluing.  began sticking down bits of
      no sketch, no plan, no idea what                         fabric, I felt closer to that
      it was going to be. As a teacher                         child like freedom again. I was
      of art to young children for many                        tapping into my inner instincts
      years I had seen the natural and                         and knowledge and something was
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