Page 16 - The Digital Cloth Holiday issue 2
P. 16

emerging. Maybe I should add                          add layers on top. Smaller shapes
       some paint too? But I didn’t want                      suggesting leaves and stems and
       to use a brush, I sensed this                          flowers. An idea of the tumbling
       would tighten me up and                                mass of natures abundance and
       interrupt the journey I was on.                        how plants mingle and jostle for
       So, I started printing some lines                      space in all kinds of
       and circles just using things I                        unpromising and unlikely place
       had to hand, a piece of card, the                      began to emerge. I had no idea
       top from a glue stick, the edge                        at this point if it would all dry
       of a piece of paper. I felt                            into something useable, but I was
       joyful and free as I worked,                           focused on the process rather
       ideas of success and failure had                       than the outcome.
       receded and I was happily                              After a couple of hours, I had
       immersed in the process.                               something I felt could work. Time
       Eventually the whole canvas was                        to let it dry and see.
       covered in fabric and I began to
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