Page 18 - The Digital Cloth Holiday issue 2
P. 18
After a night by the radiator I This two-day adventure was the
had a stiff fairly hard canvas, a birth of the way I still work,
long hard look was telling me it combining fabrics into a base
needed some stitching to layer then adding stitch and
begin to add structure and detail, paint. I have added a few more
but would it be stitch-able? Only techniques as my journey has
one way to find out, I unfolded. I now dye some light
threaded my trusty sewing machine, fabrics using acrylic paint, and I
fitted the darning foot, dropped use acrylic inks, inktense paint
the feed dogs and launched in. It and some transparent voiles. But
was great to stitch, the stiffness essentially, I still use this
helped to stop the fabric original process. I go into each
wrinkling and flopping about and new piece with no clear plan, I
the needle punched through just experiment and move things, remove
fine. I started looking for shapes and modify and try to be as
and rhythms within the picture and playful as possible. I still love
began drawing with my needle and to paint as but working with
thread. textiles has helped me to loosen