Page 37 - The Digital Cloth Holiday issue 2
P. 37
Most recently, I am following a Once I read that you should
new path, textile collage. The choose one thing and try to
possibilities of become an expert at that one
manipulating fabrics to thing. At one point my choice
create images seem endless and was coloured pencils and my
I am constantly in the work was primarily in that
process of learning new medium. Over the years I have
applications. It is exciting also worked with paper collage
and fulfilling to both make and and watercolor on canvas. At
teach this particular this point, textile collage my
medium. For the foreseeable favorite medium. Fabric is now
future it appears that there my “paint.” There is something
will be threads and scraps, new to learn with each piece
glue and pins all over the and I think it will be a long
place! time before I will consider
myself an “expert” at it.