Page 42 - The Digital Cloth Holiday issue 2
P. 42

made can be for sale to others if she                  she imbeds into the dye on the screen,

        does not use them!                                    she is delighted at the reveal of the
        Like most quilters, Catherine has a love              fabric when its washed out after a
        of colour and over time has some                      few days. She will then often use this
        favourite combinations: teal/silver; navy             fabric as a base in her own work and
        blue/red/gold and green which is her                  then over dye or over print it. Catherine
        favourite colour. However, if she is                  loves to add several layers to a base
        getting ready for a market, she tends to              colour to add dimension and originality.
        plan the colours she will work with as                Not every piece of fabric comes out
        well as the print she wants to make. She  well the first time e.g. the colours may
        generally makes 30 half metre pieces at               not work or the pattern is not clear so
        a time which equates to about 3 hours’                Catherine says adding more layers can
        work of printing on a pre-dyed base                   turn an ordinary fabric into something

        fabric.                                               special. Overdyeing a piece in a vibrant
        Catherine is always surprised by some                 colour often adds a lot of depth to the
        colour combinations as often she thinks               piece or depending on the colour used
        what if I use those colours together? Of              can soften the overall affect.
        course, adding a metallic paint provides              Catherine is often asked how she made
        that bit of bling that a lot of people like!          a piece of fabric which is sometimes
        Then again, she makes a lot of tone on                difficult to answer as it might have
        tone as these colours are often good                  had 3 different processes on it with

        blenders or background fabrics.                       the colour changing throughout each
        Inspired by nature she loves making                   process. She loves the serendipitous
        fabrics that are great for using as rocks             nature of dyeing or overdyeing fabric
        or mountains, trees or plants.  There are  and will often use the dye made up on
        various techniques that work well for this  the table wondering what if I add this
        and one of Catherine’s                                colour to that colour? As a result she
        favourite techniques is roasting fabric in            has been able to create some special
        the oven like a leg of lamb! She says you  one-off fabrics.
        have to be careful not to overcook it as              When working at a market and seeing
        you will get holes in the fabric, but then            all of her fabrics displayed on the
        again that might be what you are                      tables she often looks at some and
         looking for! She has used roasted fabric  goes “I like that one!” so stashes it

        in a lot of her quilts and especially her             away to add to her own stash when
        latest work called “Migration”. The                   she gets home. Sometimes a piece of
        roasted fabric provides texture rather                her fabric will give her an idea and off
        than a plain colour and is also very useful  she will go making her own work.
        for tree trunks and sand. It also works               Catherine also teaches surface
        well as a background for a traditionally              design along with other classes and
        pieced quilt rather than a plain calico.              was thrilled to be selected to go to
        Probably Catherine’s favourite technique  Ailsa Craig in Canada last year to teach

        is deconstructed screen printing. While a  alongside the Aotearoa Quilters team
        lot more involved, she loves the organic              and New Zealand exhibition.
        nature of the texture that she gets. Using
        thickened dyes and a variety of tools that
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