Page 46 - The Digital Cloth Holiday issue 2
P. 46

She started making handmade silk                      and natural fibre paper collages
       papers (inspired by Kath Russon) over                 offering workshops from home, and
       20 years ago, using them to collage                   was flattered to have been asked to

       beach finds onto, making and                          tutor groups in Lottery funded local
       attaching driftwood painted                           Community Projects showing others
       lighthouses, little boats and locally                 new skills too.
       collected shells along the bottom of                  Wendy said “I couldn’t imagine living
       the collages.  She had them                           anywhere else now, I am constantly
       professionally framed and was selling                 Inspired by the sea, nature and my
       them within 7 local galleries.                        surroundings, I am lucky enough to
       Wendy then took a creative break to                   have views of the coastline and the sea

       study her CertEd Qualification, then                  from my small house, with a beach at
       in her early forties had her son and                  the bottom of the road and the
       began life as an older Mum.                           picturesque harbour is within a short
       A few years passed without any                        walk”.
       creativity as life was busy, but before               “I love experimenting, as such
       lockdown she started to revisit silk                  anything goes and stunning textures
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