Page 52 - The Digital Cloth Holiday issue 2
P. 52

home studio and design company, Red                      – but the process, in turn, often
        Zebra Designs.  Over the past two                       inspires something new.
        decades, I have been trying to balance
        the 6 C’s - creative, corporate,                        As I’ve stated, I’m a bit of a ‘shiny
        community and charity work, cancer,                     light’ person.  I’ll be working on one

        and children.                                           project, and then a sparkle from
        (not necessarily in that order!)                        another will pull me away.  That
                                                                probably explains why my studio
        I am a self-professed ‘unfocused’                       contains so many ‘almost finished’
        artist - constantly distracted by new                   projects.  Making products capturing
        ideas.   My creative practice changes                   both the quality and history of the past
        direction quickly.   I have previously                  excites me.  I cannot understand the
        worked with resin, beads, painting,                     amount of money spent on
        printmaking, dying, sculpture, wood-                    non-renewable/ recyclable resources.

        work, silversmithing, millinery, sewing,                Nothing is a discrete ‘one time only’
        boot making, weaving, photography,                      event – everything we do has a flow on
        lampshades, graphics ….  I guess I                      effect.
        can turn my hand to a lot of media –
        which is probably why I have found                      For the last decade, I try to make at
        a home in mixed media.  My current                      least one wearable art creation a year.
        range includes wearable art, through                    My wearable art is all waste-based,
        lighting design, jewelry and theatrical                 incredibly time-consuming, but
        headwear, combined with a fine art                      rewarding.  I am fortunate to have had
        practice.                                               pieces in a number of awards around
                                                                Queensland, and have had images and

        I believe that just because something                   my works appear nationally and
        is no longer fit for its original purpose,              internationally.
        does not mean it has no value.  I love
        the thought of the history of things                    My wearable art pieces started from
        before they were abandoned - Where                      the pages of discarded books and
        have they been? Did they bring joy?                     recycled clothing; but have moved
        Insight? Change?                                        through creations featuring travel
                                                                brochures, drinking straws, plastic
        My work is ‘responsive’ – mainly to my                  bottle lids, discarded artificial flowers,

        whim.  I make what I like and hope                      cardboard offcuts, video and movie
        other do too. I make what I like – great                films, and most recently, used teabag
        for self-fulfillment, not so good for                   tags.
        My inspiration comes from anywhere –                    The preparation takes between 80 and
        a new piece of pretty junk, a bunch of                  100 hours.  For example, the
        stones, a picture in a magazine,                        ‘Origami Dress’ has about 350
        inspirational work of others, a                         origami flowers, comprising over with
        photograph, a vague idea, a failed                      13000 folds; ‘Butterfly Garden’ Dress
        project, a dream ...  Often the image I                 has around 2.5 km of hand cut paper
        have in my mind, and what is actually                   loops; ‘I’ll Drink to That’ uses 2500

        created, are two very different things                  plastic straws; and ‘Let’s T’ is made
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