Page 2 - Demo
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Nattokinase, a mainly ingredient in NattooneTM, is a superb nutritional supplement with potent fibrinolytic enzyme activity (anti-blood clotting) and can be found in a traditional Japanese fermented food called %u201cnatto.%u201d Oral administration of nattokinase improves blood circulation and prevents cadiovascular diseases. Dissolves Fibrin in vitro1.Fibrin-containing agar plate2.Addition ofNattooneTM3.Clear zone can beobserved after 5 hrs4.The zone is continuouslyexpanding after 10 hrsOral administration of mid- and high-dose of NattooneTM remarkably delay FeCl3-induced occlusion time. There are no significant differences between high-dose of NattooneTM and aspirin (positive control).After administration of specified dosages of NattooneTM or positive control (PC)-aspirin for consecutive 7 days, the carotid artery of mice (Sprague Dawley) were treated with FeCl3 to induce thrombosis.bccba aOcclusion time (min) 100806040200NC Low-doseNattooneTM AspirinMid-dose High-dose PC10090807060504030201000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Blood flow (%)Time (min)Occlusion time(less than 10% blood flow)NCHigh-dosePCMid-doseLow-doseNattokinase (NK) can target and hydrolyze fibrin directly (A). NK enhances the level of tissue-plasminogen activator (t-PA) to degrade fibrin (B). NK activity converts endogenous prourokinase (pro-UK) to urokinase (UK), stimulating plasmin activation and leading to degradation of fibrin (C). Mechanism of Action of Blood Clots Degradation by Nattokinase UKFibrinogenPlasmin ABCThrombin t-PAFibrinNKDegradationpro-UKPlasminogenProlongs Thrombus Formation in vivo