Page 22 - MAGAZINE MAR 2022_Neat
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Would you like to see your pride and joy up on the screen?

         We  were  contacted  recently  by  Keith  McIlroy.  Keith  is
         involved  with  two  businesses,  one  of  which  is,  a  company  offering  classic  50s  /  60s  /

         70s cars for self drive hire.  It would probably be a safe        Editors Note: I regularly get emails from StarCars
         guess that not many of our members would be excited to   requesting  various    makes  of  cars  at  various  locations.
         offer  their  cars  for  that,  but  Keith  also  has  a  second   Should I receive an email involving our type of vehicle in
         business  that you may be far more interested in.    Queensland I’ll most certainly forward it to ALL members  is  the  largest  source  of  cars
         for film, TV and photoshoots in Australia.  Established 12
         years  ago  they  have  over  1,000  owners  and  2,000  cars
         registered  on  their  database.    They  advise  owners  earn
         from $300 to $1000 per day and also get to “hang around
         with  some  cool  chicks  and  dudes”!    It  costs  nothing  to
         register, and they claim there is a big demand which they
         are having difficulty satisfying.
         We’ve let  Keith know he’d be welcome to drop in on one
         of our meetings.

               Members offering services

         Some  of  our  club's  members  offer  services  that  may   A
         assist you with your Rootes classic. Their contact details
         are listed here free of charge as a club service as part of   HUMBER HOSPITALITY
         their  own  club  membership.  (Any  errors  or  omissions
         please let us know, and we'll fix next issue..)                              service provided by all Australian
               John Harris (Rootes Rochedale) can assist with                         Humber car clubs, including ours.
               Rootes parts and mechanical services.                                  A  volunteer  service  of  “tea  and
               Phone number (07) 3341 5555,                                           sympathy”  (followed  by  help
               email:                                             where  possible)  for  members
                                                                                      experiencing  vehicle  breakdown
               Des  Cobham  has  a  mobile  windscreen  service,                      while  travelling  interstate.  Please
               specialising  in  classic  vehicles.  Phone  0419  730                 use  this  service  responsibly  and
               764.                                           call for assistance only where you and/or the Automobile Road
               Bruce Prouse Trimming                                                Service are unable to rectify the problem.
               Auto Motor Body Trimming                             (ACT)   Rod Calvert: Farrer ACT 2607. Ph: 02 6286 4035
               0450 301 573 Morayfield also on Facebook:            (NSW)  Bruce Carpenter: Maryland (Newcastle)
                                                                    Ph: 0414 619 108
               Frank Schoenberger manufactures most rubber          (NSW) Jack Harris, 218 Duff St BROKEN HILL, NSW
               products for Rootes Cars.                            2880
                                   Ph: (08) 8088 5843
               Michael PYNE has Tilt truck towing business          (NSW) Roger Foote, Sydney, EASTWOOD , NSW
               0438 717 665 email:                 Ph: 0448 HUMBER
               CARB TECH Paul White at Redcliffe 0417 713           (NSW) Denis Boyle: 51 Shelleys Lane, THIRLMERE,
                                                                    NSW 2571
               662 can service most makes of carburettors on        Ph: (02) 4683 0643, mob 0478 047 690
               Classic Cars.
                                                                    (NSW) Alan Lindsay “Winamie” 595 Rocky Range Road,
                                                                    DELEGATE, NSW 2633  Ph: 0428 588 083
                                                                    (QLD)  Lawrie & Jean Bennett: Carina (Southside
                                                                    Brisbane) Ph: (07) 3398 5062
                                                                    (QLD) Adrian Grant: The Gap (Northside Brisbane)
                                                                    Ph: (07) 3300 3955 or 0434 383 055
                                                                    (QLD) Max Webster: 576 Drayton Connection Rd Finnie
                                                                    near TOOWOOMBA 0418 716 268
                                                                    (VIC)  Bob Kennedy: GLENLYON VIC, Ph: (03) 5348
                        ANSWERS TO GARRY’S QUIZ                     (VIC) Keith Willimott: WATSONIA VIC, Ph: (03) 9435
             1.   Chrysler         6.    Rolls Royce 6 cyl          (WA)   Brian and Rosemary Phillips: GOOSEBERRY
           2.    3295 cc           7.    Linwood Scotland           HILL
           3.    1951              8.    13days 9hours              Ph. (08) 9293 2674
                                                                    (SA)  Eric Austin: 14 Lindsay St, HIGHBURY, SA 5089
           4.    Yes                     6min                       Ph: (H) (08) 8337 6337
           5.    Die               9.    Lyrebird                   (SA)  Winston Bryant: BLAKEVIEW, SA 5114
                                   10.   A Walkie-Talkie            Ph: 0403 024 385

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