Page 12 - EASL_CONGRESS_2025_Prospectus
P. 12

WELCOME            FIGURES            FORMAT            KEY DATES         PROGRAMME         SPONSORSHIP          RANKING          GUIDELINES          CONTACTS

              1      Industry Satellite SYMPOSIA

                    70,000 €                84,000 €             60 MIN SLOTS
                  ExhibitorPrice        Non-ExhibitorPrice     During lunchbreaks      60 minutes lunch satellite symposia are
                                                                                       available on every congress day
                                                                                       Sessions are limited to no more than 5 in
            BENEFITS INCLUDED                                                          parallel per slot
                                                                                       Lecture rooms of different sizes are
            Are held in congress centre in 178–2,500   Security ropes: Set up and dismantling of   available for choice
            pax capacity lecture rooms            security ropes in front of your selected room
                                                                                       Lecture rooms are assigned in line with
            5 ISS in parallel per slot            Acknowledgement and listing (online pro-  sponsor ranking
                                                  gramme, congress guide & onsite promotion
            EASL aims at assigning a maximum of 2
            sessions with the same topic per slot when-  on sponsor panel)             Industry Satellite Symposia slots
            ever possible                         Right to place a roll-up in front of or in close   at the EASL Congress 2025:
                                                  vicinity of the lecture room from one hour
            Format includes: standard webcast file   before the session starts         Wednesday 7 MAY       13:30–14:30
            and video on demand publication                                            Thursday 8 MAY        12:45–13:45
                                                  Right to distribute invitations in front or in
            Standard webcast production (customisable   close vicinity of the lecture room 30 minutes   Friday 9 MAY       12:45–13:45
            needs to be approved by EASL and ordered   before the session starts
            through EASL suppliers). Webcast hosted                                    Saturday 10 MAY       11:45–12:45
            on EASL Campus for 12 months. The con-  Non-exhibitors organising a Satellite Sympo-
            tent needs to comply with EASL’s ethical   sium will be provided with an allocation of 3
            standards and guidelines              delegates registrations (full access) and
                                                  5 exhibitor registrations (limited access)
            Standard lecture room set-up onsite with                                    Lecture room          Capacity        Exhibitor price  Non-Exhibitor price
            AV, furniture, presentation management   2 Lead retrievals for the duration of the   Session room 1  2,500 pax       8,500 €          10,200 €
            system, 1 AV technician. Customisation of   session                         Session room 7       1,000 pax           4,700 €           5,640 €
            room needs to be approved by EASL and
            ordered through the EASL suppliers against   CONGRESS ON DEMAND             Session room 2        550 pax            3,300 €           3,960 €
            extra costs                            Hosted on EASL Campus                Session room 6        250 pax            1,800 €           2,160 €
            Livestreaming can be ordered additionally,                                  Session room 5        250 pax            1,800 €           2,160 €
            see page 14.
                                                                                        Session room 3        200 pax            1,800 €           2,160 €
                                                                                        Session room 4        178 pax            1,800 €           2,160 €
                CONDITIONS & GUIDELINES: see page 35-36                                                                                  
                 ORDER DEADLINE: 02.03.2025                                                                                                        #EASLCongress    12
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