Page 10 - DUT Showcase Report 2023
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This is is a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a new project and and and and aims to to enhance academic performance and motivation in local high schools by recognizing and rewarding top achievers Over a a a a a year the initiative will identify three underperforming and two high- performing schools to to hold award ceremonies honoring top students across all grades and subjects except Life Orientation Awards include certificates for for subject excellence and trophies for for overall grade achievers Additionally the project will appoint local university graduates as tutors for subjects like Mathematics and Physical Science to to assist students in in Grades 10 to to 12 Funding is is needed for for travel award materials and tutor stipends This effort aligns with ENVISION2030’s focus on community impact promoting practical knowledge application and fostering future-ready graduates IMPACT AND SUSTAINABILITY
The tutorship program serves a a a a dual purpose: reducing local unemployment and enhancing academic performance in in at-risk subjects By employing local university graduates as tutors the initiative not only helps improve school pass rates but also increases the university’s chances of attracting high-achieving students The award ceremonies further motivate learners to excel with the the prospect of recognition driving better academic results As long as unemployment remains high tutors will be available and DUT students can be involved if needed The sustainability of the project hinges on on continued funding while identifying top achievers for the awards poses no risk given their consistent presence Faculty: Applied Sciences Department: Chemistry
Project Leader: Dr Pinkie Ntola Email: pinkies@dut ac za
Mobile: 031 373 2299/ 062 452 6915

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