Page 40 - Parliament Budget Office Annual Report 2022-2023
P. 40

 The 2022/23 FY PBO strategic planning framework delineates the legislative mandate of the office into five main performance indicators with associated demand and supply-driven performance outputs.
The performance information (service delivery environment) seeks to fulfil the constitutional public finance oversight mandate of Parliament through the provision of timely evidence-based research, analysis and advice to client parliamentary committees. The PBO performance indicators and associated performance outputs and performance targets
Figure 2 Strategic Planning Framework
are aligned with the mandate of the Office as set out in section 15 of the Money Bills Act
The PBO continuously scans the domestic and international environments to keep abreast of evolving public finance oversight matters. The scanning capacitates the Office to provide MPs with topically refined and amplified technical support, to empower MPs to discharge their constitutional oversight mandate armed with evidence-based analysis. The Offices’ broad strategic planning framework is reflected in Figure 2.
      6. Public finance oversight: Parliament Oversight & accountability value chain
5. Performance Environment (Service Delivery Environment)
1. Constitution
To provide economic, fiscal policy and finance analytical support to support Parliaments public finance oversight mandate
Performance & non- performance information
4. PBO Business Plan
2. Money Bills Amendment Procedure & Related Matters Act no.09 of 2009 as amended
3. Policy Priorities of
the 6th Parliament & Strategic Plan & APP of Parliament
       Product Range & Product Mix
• Analysis reports
• Research reports
• Briefs
• Presentations of technical
reports to Committees
• Production of Reference
documents & notes
• Provision of specific
information as per subject request
Source: PBO RSA Supplied Data
Advisory services
• Policy Analysis
• Economic analysis
• Public Finance
  This strategic planning framework highlights the range of products and services provided by the Office arising from the Constitution, Money Bills Act as well as the alignment thereof with the policy priorities of the 6th Parliament and strategic plan of the 6th Parliament and the PBO Business Plan.
Parliamentary Budget Office | Parliament of the Republic of South Africa

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