Page 42 - Parliament Budget Office Annual Report 2022-2023
P. 42

 1.2.3 PBO workflow process
To give effect to operational efficiency and effectiveness, the Parliamentary Budget Office operated through a workflow process during the period under review. The workflow process manages the flow of research and analysis requests emanating from requesting parliamentary committees. As the primary legislated client committees, the Finance and Appropriations committees are accorded primary service delivery status notwithstanding the occasional technical support provided to other parliamentary committees. A schematic representation workflow process is depicted in Figure 5.
Figure 5 PBO workflow process
The workflow operating framework manages demand driven requests, that is, requesting emanating directly from parliamentary committees. The workflow framework has been operational since 2013.
1.3 Legislative Mandate of the Parliamentary Budget Office
The amended Money Bills Act, no 13 of 2018 Act, determines the Office governance and reporting framework and business operating and management framework. The act stipulated that the Office is to receive a budget transfer from Parliament budget baseline to fulfil its mandate. The transfer is to be done in line with the section 35 of the Financial Management of Parliament & Provincial Legislatures (FMPPLA) act, no. 10 of 2009.
    PBO legislative framework
       Money Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act no 13 of 2018
Money Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act no 09 of 2009
   Parliamentary Budget Office | Parliament of the Republic of South Africa
Financial Management of Parliament & Provincial Legislatures (FMPPLA) act, no. 10 of 2009

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