Page 30 - Playhouse Annual Report 2021:22
P. 30

Part B: Performance Information
1. Statement of Responsibility for Performance Information for the year ended 31 March 2022
The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the preparation of The Playhouse Company’s performance information and for the judgements made in this information.
The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for establishing and implementing a system of internal control designed to provide reasonable assurance as to the integrity and reliability of performance information.
 Number (%)
 Reason for Not Achieved/ Partially Achieved
 No. of annual performance targets
      Annual performance targets achieved
   21 (88%)
       Annual performance targets not achieved/ partially achieved
   3 (12%)
  i. Due to the lockdown regulations, the theatres were not being used to maximum capacity. Because of this, certain positions were not filled by permanent appointees. Adhoc employees were used when required to ensure service delivery took place.
ii. Due to Lockdown restrictions we were obliged to comply with the prescribed number of artists on our stages. The planned Iscathamiya and Ingoma festivals involves hundreds of artists to perform side by side on stage. This is a huge health risk that needed to be managed carefully. These festivals have been postponed to a later stage once restrictions are relaxed
iii. Due to Covid-19 restrictions the mobile stage was not utilised
   i. Recruitment process has been initiated to fill some positions as the Covid regulations are being relaxed.
ii. Pending the relaxing of lockdown restrictions, it is intended to present the two postponed productions in the next financial year.
iii. As a result of the restriction on gatherings in the current Covid 19 regulations, the mobile stage target has been removed from the APP target for the new financial year.
    In my opinion, the performance information fairly reflects the actual achievements against planned objectives, indictors and targets as per annual performance plan of The Playhouse Company for the financial year ended 31 March 2022.
The Playhouse Company performance information for the year ended 31 March 2022 has been examined by the external auditors and their report is presented on pages 55 to 56.
The performance information of The Playhouse Company set out on pages 31 to 41 were approved by the Board.
Precious Lynda Bukhosini
Chief Executive Officer & Artistic Director
 28 The Playhouse Company

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