Page 32 - Playhouse Annual Report 2021:22
P. 32

3.4. Progress towards Achievement of Institutional Impacts and Outcomes
In the context of the abovementioned strategic focus statements, the IMPACT statement of The Playhouse Company for the period 2020-2025 is as follows:
 Impact Statement
   Enhanced quality of life through the performing arts.
   Progress made
  The Covid 19 pandemic affected the performing arts industry severely. Despite this major setback, The Playhouse Company was able to create gainful employment for 3 985 artist.
   Outcome Indicator
   Achievements in 2022
   Outcome 1: Produce and present a balanced artistic programme
 Cumulative number of productions staged
 132 productions staged
    Cumulative number of performances held
   689 performances held
     Cumulative number of artists involved in staged productions (all categories)
  3 985 artists involved in productions
     Cumulative audience attendance figures (paying and non-paying audience)
  361 607 Audience attendance
   Outcome 2: Offer support for development of future theatre productions and arts practitioners
 Cumulative number of in-house theatre for development and growing the body of South African theatre productions
 91 artistic programmes
    Cumulative number of arts practitioners benefiting from upskilling programmes
   602 arts practitioners benefiting from upskilling programmes
     High impact productions that support social cohesion
  26 high impact productions that support social cohesion
     Cumulative number of artists provided work opportunities through in-house Playhouse productions
  3 985 artists provided work opportunities
   Outcome 3: Enhanced customer experience through accessible, high- quality and well-managed production and event venues and technical services
 Condition assessment rating on Playhouse Company facilities
 Conditional rating of the building was performed
 Outcome 4: A well-governed, productive and high-performing organisation
   External audit outcome
   Clean external audit outcome achieved
     Percentage overall organisational performance rating
(AGSA standard >80%)
   30 The Playhouse Company

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