Page 12 - The Enso Circle Artists-in-Residence Exhibition Catalog, December 2022
P. 12
Artist &
the Since the early days of my adulthood, prayer has
Work encompassed who I am. It grabs ahold of me and doesn’t let
me go tell it’s done with me. Art has become a vessel of that
prayer… that vessel happens to create a piece representing
my visual imagination. I generally draw my work on an
I-pad then continue to create as I “sew” with cotton and silk
(repurposed ties). I love the feeling of fibers and like to allow
them to move as “they” desire over the piece… and all the
time I am praying for the piece’s eventual owner.
This piece is a prayer vessel of healing over a short series
of traumatic events that happened in my own life, ending
with the unexpected death of my pup Scout-tie. Scout-tie
was never seen without his pensive eyes and pink ball. He
was shy, yet outgoing; serious yet, comedic and always
adventurous. He was a caricature of my own Self. As I
attached Scout-tie’s tags to this piece, I realized how much
healing this vessel had given me.